Our good friends (and sponsors of the hosting cost of VitiligoFriends.org), the National Vitiligo Foundation, are calling on us to participate in celebrating World Vitiligo Day on June 25th.  An email announcement from them is below.


Plus, I'm starting a website at http://www.UniquelyBeautiful.net to showcase the unique beauty of those with Vitiligo--both for others to see, and for those of us with Vitiligo to appreciate our own unique beauty.  Our VitiligoFriends.org network is private--meaning, you can't get past the front page without registering and indicating that you either have Vitiligo or are a friend or loved one of someone who does--because it has our names, some photos, and a lot of conversation that we might not be willing to contribute more publicly.


For UniquelyBeautiful.net I propose that those who are willing send me a face shot or a photo that has your face in it (without makeup), and I'm going to create a wall of beautiful Vitiligo faces.  No names, no contact information, no private details, no conversation, just our faces.  Someone with Vitiligo coming to this site might feel instantly better about him or herself, knowing the rest of us exist.  Someone who doesn't have it would hopefully begin to recognize the diversity and beauty of who we are.  

Send your photo to me at steve@hargadon.com and I'll start building the site now and hopefully it will have enough faces by the 25th to be a good part of the celebration.  If you don't have Vitiligo on your face, but elsewhere on your body, still send the face shot!  

Right now my face is the only one up there, so send your photo and let's get me pushed way down!  And be sure to spread the word.

With love, hope, and acceptance!


Steve Hargadon

World Vitiligo Day!

The National Vitiligo Foundation is joining hands with vitiligo foundations worldwide to celebrate World Vitiligo Day on June 25th.  The goal of World Vitiligo Day is to raise awareness of vitiligo worldwide.  There is a petition being circulated to secure this date as an official holiday.  Help make history, we urge you to sign it today! You can find more information on the World Vitiligo Day website

In the US, we will be honoring the holiday by having some of our vitiligo experts answer questions on vitiligo to be posted on our website.  Have a burning question?  Send them our way!  The National Vitiligo Foundation wants to answer your biggest questions on vitiligo.  You can send questions to info@nvfi.org or post them on ourfacebook page then join us on June 25th hear the expert answers to your most pressing questions. Visit our website for more information www.nvfi.org

- The National Vitiligo Foundation Team 

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  • Love the pictures that have been sent in and posted so far.  Thanks!

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