I'm a Black American. I have vitiligo since I was 8. Today, I have no family because I was rejected for being a monster. I was almost murdered on a pubic transportation for having this disease. Vitiligo has prevent me from being with people in the public, taken pictures of me, not having a girlfriend nor enjoying public life. I have to wake up and deal with the most ignorant Black People who wish death upon people with vitiligo than to be educated about the disease that has destroyed allot of lives around. I wish I was White to get rid of the pain I've been living for 38 years. There are crimes being committed against those with Vitiligo and it's not being reported and should be considered a hate crime protecting those with Vitiligo!!

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  • Wow, where do you live in the US?  It must be a horrible place to have someone try to murder you for a skin condition?  I am sorry but your post seems a bit extreme and unbelievable to me.  I have had Vitiligo for more than 25 years and no one has ever said anything mean to me or tried to hurt me for it.  In fact, I think most people go out of their way to avoid staring so they don't seem rude in public.  You should seriously consider relocating to a better area...

  • I am so sorry you have had such bad experiences. But just know that this site if full of people who understand your pain and u can make friends and be a part of our adopted family. I agree with nj that confidence makes the difference and maybe try some options to conceal it. I wish u the best and feel free to inbox me anytime  :)

  • I'm sorry to hear that you have no family because you have vitiligo.
    I have have the disease since the age of six I feel like a prisoner in my own body.
    I haven't had to deal with any violence because of my vitiligo, however I do have to deal with people always looking at me.
  • courage !!! surtout  gardes espoir !!

  • Move.

    I don't know where you are living, but it sounds horrible.  I get looks, but I haven't had anyone taking pictures of me or trying to kill me.  It's like you are dealing with worst case scenario.  So, if you have no family, and don't enjoy your environment...move.  It's not like that everywhere.  

    I don't know if hate crimes apply to diseases, those charges are mostly reserved for race and religion. 

    Keep your head up Bro. 

  • I agree it should be considered a hate crime.

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