What works for Vitiligo- Face

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Face vitiligo lowers confidence for many of us ... and its tiring to apply makeup on face /coverup....its not you :)


So would like know how can we help each other :) .... Lets together dscuss to know on whats works for u ?

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  • I too have vitiligo on my face.

    I have been applying protopic once a day in the evening because it is just to thick and shiny to wear during the day.

    I'm wondering how thick you guys apply it? And do you apply it to all of your face or just the spots?
  • protopic works for me on eye lid and beside my right eye full pigment back and it all started pigmenting fasst like within days because there was one tiny spot that was darker than usual it just grew from there, not workin to well for my forehead spot tho

  • vitligo on face very disturbing the good ting is they say most treatment works easilly on face, but i have tried allmost all treatment  for vitiligo on my face ...it reigment easy and it fade away easy on most treatments .

    There are many ppl who has got permanent repig on face by using Protopic and Uvb ..unfortunatlly Protopic didn`t work for me....uvb and other photo therapys works but not permanent for meand many others .

    MKTP ..cell transplant works on some degree too....im lucky I have found perfect color mach so Im using makeup to cover it..but still struggling.


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