What works and doesn't work?

I was diagnosed about a year ago (am 69 years old).  Dr. #1 prescribed TRIAMCINOLONE cream which I used but had no effect.

Decided to get a second opinion and Dr. #2 prescribed ELIDEL. I've been using it for about two weeks.

Neither Dr. was very clear on application of cream. I apply it to the backs of my hands and forearms covering the entire area (even those with pigment). 

Another member said that they apply it only to the places where the pigment is gone. Which should I do?

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  • We use triamcinolone on the weekends and Protopic on my son during the week. We apply only to the vitiligo areas. It took at least 4 months, but we finally got some repigmentation. Good luck!
    • Thank you for your reply. I think I'll take your advice and apply it only to the affected areas. A lot of little areas and some medium/large. However, as much as this stuff costs, I'll take the time to do that. My ELIDEL costs $59 for 30mg. I'm retired so that's a lot for me. 

      • Protopic is also very expensive! Thank goodness my insurance covers their part! Praying it works for you! :)
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