what doesnt kill you makes you stronger?

Bullshit. I feel like I couldve been much more social, open and a an overall better person without this disease taking over my face.

"everything happens for a reason" SHUT UP. stinkin' immune system!
im so negative today >__<

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  • we need to learn to live with our problems ,sister :) be patient and carry on !

  • yesterday evening, i felt really weird & down, had gone with my friends to buy some girly items, the sales girl in uniform never failed to ask all my friends to try nail polishes except me (looking at my ugly fingers i guess), I felt emberrassed, as if she knew i never used nail polish which made my viti standout,,, uff am really tired of hiding this sick diseaese,,,,!!!!!

  • You are a beautiful person and anyone who doesn't see that because of a discoloration on your skin doesn't see the real you and doesn't deserve to know you in the first place.

    • No amount of small talk and quotes from people that dont have Viti on their face will cure the pain . 

      If i am a bad manager or bad waiter or bad ball palyer - i get fired . But if dermatologist cant cure Viti or whatever its ok , nobody has a problem . Why stress yourself looking for answers when you can just take the money and the moment its in your pocket say " its incurable , thank you , bye "  ... i have a problem with that . 

      My derm told me to google it ... no no no dear famous derm - I pay you to google it , if you dont like wasting your time doing your job - Dont take the money , and dont claim being skin scientist . Just put a tag " rash therapist " on you office , then its fine . 

      Would you pay for an empty Donald`s bag ? 

      • Just because I don't have it on my face in my pic doesn't mean that I don't have it on my face or that I haven't had it on my face.  Don't be so quick to judge.  You are asking not to be judged by others- remember?

        I do know what it is like to have people stare at you and to have people comment.  I know the pain.  I have cried over the disease.  I do feel for the original poster and that is why I commented.  And now that I am much older I have learned that at some time in your life you just have to learn to look past the people that don't deserve to know you for who you are. 

        • I was reffering to quotes from all kinds of famous writers and so on ... not quotes form you . I was just ranting how i hate uneducated paper doctor fools :) . LOL in my early teens i worked at the bakery - i could make you a nice pie but i would not be able to explain why its so deliciuos . Cause i didnt care . 

  • "Be who you are and say what you feel because, those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind"
    ~~By Dr Seuss~~
  • They usually mean "What doesnt kill your body makes you stronger " ... the problem is - Vitiligo kills your soul , kills you in other people`s mind , you become a white spot for other people, not human being , just a white spot ... and everywhere you go and there is a mirror its like a bullet to your most sacred place in your heart . 

    They say " eyes is a mirror of your soul " they only say so cause they never had Vitiligo on their face . But i know and you know " mirror is the eyes of your soul " and mirror is cruel cause it  knows all your secrets . And they say " mirror never lies " 

    no no no says the mirror " i lie , i lie to to other people ...but to you i always tell the truth , and you know why ? - To hurt you ! Nothing hurts more than truth , right ? All the stupid people around the world live their lives and do not know this , but you know and i know cause im your mirror I am the eyes of your soul ...

    So now do something about it !!!

    Dont wait, order Tyrosine right now ! 

    This post was presented to you by SCITEC NUTRITION ... supplements for life ... www.scitecnutrition.com

  • Hi Teh,

    I hope this finds you well.People say all manner of stuff -and often they are the usual cliches,but they mean well.People who love you and care about you,do not understand why you might be down about your condition because they do not associate your skin with who you are.We do,and that's something we have to fight against.We are all more than the skin we're in.

    You are beautiful and you're allowed to feel down sometimes-but do not allow having Vitiligo to define you.Do not allow it to take anything else away from you.

    Ish x
  • dear,,i can understand, cos i feel the same, i would be a different person without this disease, it has changed my personality at least to some degrees.......negatively

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