What cheers you up??

Having a little bit of a down week, my feet have been taking off this months and are changing rapidly. A man I used to know asked me "what happened to your hands?" and I explained he then followed with "that's a shame you used to have such beautiful skin"…thanks

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  • You should have said "That may be true but you were always an asshole.

    Of course it bothers me as well and then I will see a guy on the subway with only one hand and I'm sure he'd like to have my spotted hand....

  • I am so sorry that you were exposed to the insensitive man.  I say that if people are looking only at my exterior then they are gonna miss knowing a really great person.  Your hands are beautiful!   God made you and he does not make any junk! 

  • I feel ya.

  • Comments like that really sting :(  I'm sure he thought he was just making an observation...with complete disregard for how your feelings might be affected. Ugh.

    Things that cheer me up are things that I can completely "lose" myself in. Like a funny movie in a dark theater or tackling a big project at home, like planting a new tree/garden or re-organizing a closet.  Also, donating things I no longer need to Good Will or picking up items for the local food pantry. Also, just being really silly with my kids helps, too. :)

    Here's to a better week :)


  • Not too be insensitive but I can see some point to what was said. The word shame may strike a nerve and might not be the best word to use but I believe it is a terrible thing that anyone has to suffer from this disease. I would be upset if someone said that to me as well.  Since summer the contrast has made my spots more visible. Someone at work has asked me about my hands, he thought I was burnt.  I simply replied "I don't want to talk about it." 

  • sorry to hear your friend was insensitive.  I know how you feel.

  • That happened to me also; the person asked what happened to your skin and after I explained he responded "Awwww you used to be so pretty!"  I don't believe that people are being insensitive, however, I do believe that some don't think before they speak.  I'm very grateful for my family and friends who have supported me through the rapid progression of Vitiligo; my skin began changing in 2003, and over 95% of my body has changed.  I am also grateful for this website.  Peace and love to all! 

  • WOW what a total and complete JERK to say something so cold to you.  But you know what they say about karma?  What comes around, goes around..have seen it in life much too often to not believe it's true.  HUGS and sorry you had to hear that nasty comment from an ignorant person like that.

  • You should have replied 'have you always been that insensitive, or is it something you are working on!'

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