Water proof cover up

Does anyone know of a good cover up makeup that can be used in the water? I know that may sound shallow but people stare at my white spots and I'm paranoid about it. But I like being in the pool to swim and like the feeling of having nothing but shorts on. I had people ask if I been burnt. I also lost pigment in one nipple. One time a guy said I had a headlight out! Lol! Well at the time I wasn't laughing but now I sometimes do. Well please let me know if anyone knows of makeup that would work in a pool or the beach. Thanks! 

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  • The only thing I know of is Microskin. Dermablend and Coverblend are supposed to be waterproof, but they fade in the water and get on your clothes. Most people don't want to bother with microskin, but I know someone who uses it and loves it. You have to go to their clinic in New York to set it up. Its a makeup that wears like a second skin and can least a week. Unfortunately, not too many options. I am interested to see if others know of better ones.
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