Vitiligo Spread -- no pattern?

My dermatologist confirmed I have Vitiligo two years ago. I'd had it for nearly 3.5 years, but it took me a while before I went to the doctor. It's primarily been located in concealed areas (the scrotum area). 

Today, I just noticed a spot about the size of a quarter to the side of my right knee cap. I'm about 100% positive it's a Vitiligo spot. The odd thing is, like the other areas I have spots, they're not in a "pattern." 

Isn't Vitiligo usually a mirror image on the left and right side of your body? 

Since I've now noticed a spot on my knee, I'm assuming I can rule out focal Vitiligo since it's moved from one area to the next.

I'm worried this will spread further. I had come to terms with where it was and was hoping it was focal vitiligo but this confirms it's continuing to expand.

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  • Thanks for the feedback. I had used Protopic when my Derm first told me I had it. Obviously it was in an area that's "hard" to fix with Protopic and all the comments about health risks freaked me out. 

    I guess my main concern is and will always be the "speed" in which it progresses. This patch was not there 3 weeks ago. Now it is. That just freaks me out thinking it can spread so rapidly. I've been lucky to have a very slow progression in that isolated area over the past 3-4 years. I'm hoping it doesn't just flip a switch and happen quick.

    Also, does spicy food really cause it to get worse? I had no idea -- and I love spicy food. Other then that my diets good and I take Vitamin b12, Ginko Biloba and Folic acid since I read a study that the've been proven to help slow progression. Not sure if it works but it doesn't harm me taking them so whatever. 

    • I used protopic and it did absolutely nothing ,one day I woke up and was completely depigmented I have to say I was glad about that,but over a few years I noticed I was getting brown patches as if my color was coming back ,but no such luck , it came back in one spot on my arm and that's as far as it went ,so now I am totally depigmented with one brown patch,i hate that the sun bothers me even with sunblock, I think people with vitiligo have very thin skin so I feel the sun more that others.i do have to take prescription vitamin d because of no sun exposure

  • It's never certain there will be a mirror effect with Vitiligo. The only place I have mirror patches is my knees. Every thing else independant. Only thing Id advise is not to look for it. The more you look for it, the more you stress yourself out and in turn is more likely to cause more Vitligo!
  • It just depends on how you respond to it. I noticed using Protopic for small spot and area's on my face helped regain some pigmentation. Other things you can do is change diet, stay away from spicy food. Plent of fluids, fresh veggies and fruits. Love Live and Enjoy life no matter what happens.

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