Vitiligo/Eczema link?

I noticed that the spots where my vitiligo began were areas where I had previously had an itchy rash.  Anyone else have a similar situation?  I have a spot on the back of my knee that I get eczema flareups when I'm stressed that has now turned white with vitiligo also.  Has to be a connection there.  Thoughts anyone?? 

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  • Hi Carole,
    My 13 year old daughter is in the same situation. She had itching on her hand due to eczema/ dryness she kept itching and it turned white. We went to a dermatologist she thinks it's vitiligio but we have requested another dermatologist for second opinion.
    Could you tell more about your situation how it started and how it's now? Is there anything we can do for her to help her or to stop it?

  • Hi Carole,
    Yes, vitiligo and eczema are linked. Vitiligo is linked to other autoimmune diseases. Vitiligo can also be triggered by trauma to the skin (as well as emotional trauma). Eczema would definitely qualify as trauma! It makes sense that the skin would turn white after the flare up. Sounds uncomfortable as stressful! So sorry you have to deal with both in that way. Good luck!
    • Thanks for your reply, Gia!


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