Vitiligo cure is a puzzle ! So let's find the pieces...

Dear all,

Everybody here knows that vitiligo cure is like a puzzle.   There are so many pieces that may cause and/or trigger it, so that they have to be found,  fixed, and then connected to achieve the final picture (result).   We know they vary from person to person, but I still believe that the pieces are the same for everyone, but differently damaged.

This discussion  has the main idea of gathering these pieces from each member, and try to go as deep as possible on each one.

I will start mentioning some of them that I think I have identified:

1- Immune System


-Autoimmune Disease

-Neurological Disease





-Heavy Metals

3) Gut


-Low stomach acid


-Yeast (e.g. Candida)

4) Food allergies / intolerences




5) Adrenal Fatigue

6) Oxidative Stress

7) Psycological and Emotional Stress

8) Phisical muscle and skin injury


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  • Great stuff as usual. I´m wondering how long it takes to see any kind of difference when taking supplements? I´ve been taking a lot for almost 2 months and haven´t really seen any changes. The patches still seem to be continuing to grow. Thanks! x

    • 1-What supplements are you taking?

      2-Where are the patches?

      3-Did you check disbiosys (yeast, parasites)?

      4-Did you do a food allergy test?

      5-Are you following any diet (gluten-free, dairy-free)?

      6- Are you doing phototherapy?

      7- How much friction are the patches being submited to?

      Vitiligo is a complex disease.  You have to address it in a hoslistic way (as functional medicine).  Besides,  what works to one person doesn't work to other necessarily.

      • Thanks for the support.

        L glutamine, NAC, Gingko, B suppplements, Probiotic, folic acid

        Face, and arms and back

        Yes, I've done food allergy tests and have wiped out sugar/dairy/wheat for a few months now and it's cleared my eczema which is nice!

        No phototherapy

        face- no friction, other parts, not much/little


        • Sounds good.  I would add ALA and Fish Oil.

          Did you check Candida and Parasites?

          Phototherapy is real good.

  • avoid junk food and oily food is good idea.

    First and foremost recommendation is go to a food allergist ( a very reputable and good one).

    Read Susan Blum's immune system recovery and Dr. Hyman's Blood sugar solution and Detox.

    Honestly I NOW strongly believe that following the paleo diet for at least 10 days to a month can great improve symptoms for the vast majority of vitiligo patients.

    There are are several types of vitiligo (autoimmune, one cause by a nerve ending compression, and chemically induced or dermatologic vitilgo).  Best thing first and foremost is to try a Paleo diet and avoid Gluten, diary and soy until it is determined that you don't have sensitivities to these food categories.  It is best to avoid processed foods whenever possible.

    • Add fish oil pills to the above list as it is anti-inflammatory.
      • It's there already (EFA Omega 3).

    • I totally agree.  I would also recommend protopic  for facial patches, Elidel for other patches and moderante UVB-NB phototherapy.

      Extra suggestions (if you can):

      1- take anti-oxidants like: NAC, ALA, Vit E.

      2- take B-complex (specially Vit B12 and folate)

      3- take minerals (zinc, copper, selenium and sulfur MSM)

      4- take probiotics and EFA (omega-3 only)

  • What about drinking some vinegar? And for the outside rubbing hot olive oil around on the areas . To eat boiled onions ?
  • The gut, liver, immune system and stress are all affected by food.

    All physical imbalance has food\digestive root cause.

    All disease (physical imbalance+spiritual imbalance) has mental cause.

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