Vitiligo cover-up make up

I recently came across this group and glad to have found it.  I have suffered from vitiligo for over 20 years.  It started on my hands and eventually spread to the rest of my body.  I have Grave's disease and was diagnosed with that when I was 15.  Had a total thryroidectomy at the age of 24.  About 4 years after the surgery, the spots started to appear.  Over the years, it has been going on a rapid pace. I went to a dermatologist to hopefully get advice on what to do.  I was hoping he would prescribe a bleaching cream so I could match up my skin tones.  He wouldn't recommend it, and the only thing he recommended was make up.  So, over the years I have been using dermablend cover-up, and to great disappointment.  With all the spots on my face, it's not covering like I need it to and I am using more and more.  What has everyone else tried as far as cover-ups that they really like?  By the way, thank you everyone for accepting me into this group!!!!!!!

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  • Has anyone tried Chromelin? Works pretty good, won't transfer.

    Check here:

  • I've used Covermark, an online company.  Covers really well.

  • I am currently experimenting with a purple or blue concealer, then skin colored concealer, then a tinted moisturizer. The colored concealer seems to leave that area lighter than the rest of my face. Using samples for now so there may be a better color. Also, it seems to cover best if I apply the tinted moisturizer first and them concealer and a touch up if the tinted moisturizer again. I like the moisturizer because it is not at all cakey or heavy like Dermablend and it leaves a natural look. So far it looks okay, but doesn't cover the spots fully. I know there is a way so I will keep practicing :)

    Try YouTube videos...I have seen some recommendations on there as well. Go into Sephora and tell them what you are looking for. They will show you what they recommend and apply it to your face. They also send you home with generous samples so that you can play with it before you buy. Good luck and let us know if you find something you like!
    • I choose dermablend and Estee Lauder doublewear. Estee Lauder has counters in most department stores like Macy's, Dillard's, etc. The beauty advisors are well-trained and can achieve full coverage using dermablend and doublewear. I turned completely light over 10 years. Recently, I started to re-pigment in large patches on my face. Thanks to the Estee Lauder beauty advisors, I've learned to apply the make-up in a way that achieves full coverage. Practice does make it better.

      • I never tried the estee Lauder doublewear.  Does it stay on for a good 8 hours and is it waterproof??  

        • Estee Lauder has a "stay in place" powder that matches the shade of doublewear liquid makeup. It last through tears. I've never tried swimming with it. Please stop by an Estee Lauder counter and get one of their experts to do your makeup. They usually do it for free. The products cost about $35 each like the dermablend. I use them every day. I find they last me about two months. It's worth $100 every 2 months for the full coverage I get.

          • thank u !!!!!

    • Thank U !!  I think I will try this!!  With more patches showing up, I am desperate to find anything that will cover better then what I have.  What is the name of it?  I like the idea of the tinted moisturizer!!!!!!  I was putting a moisturizer on before the dermablend, because I thought it may help the dermablend blend better.  But it was making my skin feel like it can't breath, and had a heavy feeling.  Although, the dermablend does cover some spots, I too am left with lighter areas. 

  • I started out with Mary Kay concealer and foundation. A rep came to my university and I went to see and she made my face up. I have spots aroun my eyes(big circles) and on my nose and upper lip.

    Mary Kay became expensive so I went to powder that didn't cover me up as well. Then I went to mouse and that was okay but it looked cackey and I was using a lot going through one container every two weeks. Now I use liquid but it's heavy looking. Sigh. I am really looking into getting airbrush makeup. I am getting married in July and I think this will help cover up my face and my hands.
    • Yes, I know, it's ridiculous what this make up costs!!!  Although, I have never tried Mary Kay....I think years ago (pre vitiligo days)  I bought eye make-up, but never a foundation.  I have tried bare minerals, as advertised, it was supposed to even out skin tones, but another disappointment.  My face was the last spot for vitiligo to hit, and it you, spots around my eyes and mouth.  Lately it has started right under my cheek bones, and I have been lucky as blush has been able to cover it.  I just hate the dermablend anymore.  As more and more spots show up, the more and more I used this makeup and it feels heavy like clay.  Good luck with your wedding.  Let me know how airbrushing worked for you.  I am sure you will be a beautiful bride!!  :)

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