Vitiligo Cover Lotion

I recently bought the Cover lotion which was a waste of time and money. This lotion may work for those people that has just a slight discolor but for real vitiligo patches, it's a waste. I used it for 4 days now and all I see is a very slight tint. My vitiligo is very noticible and this product does not work for me. I am very disappointed once again with products mis-information. It should have said that in the details description. It's very misleading.

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  • Guess that trying out more and is not working is adding to the stresss. Why dont you try my way, never worn concealer or anhything to cover my vitiligo and am thanking God for that because today stares (which I have come to understand that it doesnt leave a puncture on you) is the least of my worries.
    People will always stare, comment and segregate I believe its all in MIND.
    • Never would I go around like this - I am too self conscious about myself. I have vitiligo patches on my arms, elbows, legs that are very noticeable. If I wear short sleeves I use cover up makeup even if I dont get the right skin tone, atleast it is less visible. Maybe some people are bold enough to go out like that but not me.
  • Hi Steve,
    I use this lotion each week, so when writing out the directions I obviously didn't make them clear...I'm going back to the drafting board.

    As for the issue with your hands. Are you trying to put the lotion only on the white patches? The lotion is meant to be put all over ones body so as to create the blended effect. It will give your natural skin tone a light tan and the vitiligo patches a lighter color tan; thus the white patches are less apparent. For my hands, I use a cotton ball to apply a thin coating all over, being cautious to tread lightly over the knuckle area because this can cause a buildup which discolors.
    Let me know how this works for you.
    all the best,
    • hi darius,
      here is one set

      i'm going to take some of my face, arms, and legs this weekend...i will give you the link when they're up.
      all the best,
      • So, Nathalie, given that some are having success with this and others not, and given that the photos you had showed some noticeable improvement--do you have any idea why this might be? Are there certain skin colors that do better with this than others? Are there any other factors that might come into play here?
      • i ordered this vitiligo cover lotion and it dosent seem to work and it also smells exactly like the Gold Bond tanning lotion i have been trying. i rub it all on my arm with a cotton ball at night and in the morning and its darker around the spots but not on the spots were i have no pigment
        • That's exactly what I was talking about. It's a waste of money. It dosen't even make it a little less visible like they said. I stop using it because it's just a waste of time. Once again false advertisement. Maybe like I said before it would probably work for those with just a slight discoloration.
      • OK, so that was really helpful for me to see.

        My hands are very similar, and then I have a much smaller amount of Vitiligo on my forearms. How far up your arms do you put the lotion? Or do you just do your hands?
        • hi steve,
          i put a light coat of the lotion all over...arms, hands, legs, , feet, torso, neck, and face. ;)
    • That is very helpful to understand--and you're right, I didn't "get" it. I was trying just to put the lotion on the white areas. I'll give it a second try.

      I also have some white spots on my face. I may wait to see how the hand turn out before I experiment on my face! :)
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