Vit diet

Hi everyone - just wondering what foods to avoid as i dont have a varied diet ( a lot of wholemeal bread ) i love pasta fush chicken etc - and would llove too hear from anyone who has had success with vegetables as i really live veg ! If anyone has a meal planner they follow that was be fantastic . Had vit for 4 yrs but only recently have thought i  really want rid of this now ( or improve it) as im so socially awkward compared to my pre-vit days. Reading over some columns you guys are really inspiring . Also does anyone know of any therapy groups for vit in the uk ?? Thanks everyone

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  • foods to avoid...all sour foods including mangoes and pineapple..

  • Check out Emily's story. Through Diet and nutrition this dad cured his daughter
  • I am a vegetarian and eat a very healthy diet.  I take a ton of supplements as well:  Vitamin D, B-12, Copper, PABA and a skin and hair support multi vitamin.  I also exercise for 1 hour 5x per week.  No matter what, you should try to eat a very healthy diet and meat is pretty toxic to the system.  I have a friend who cured her eczema with a vegan diet so there is definitely a link!

    • and do you think that your diet and exercise has helped your Vit? I hope so because I have a big hope that the cure is available for everyone just through diet....of course one issue is how long you have it. Mine has been with me for 30 years and is very extensive and so regimenting it all is very difficult but if someone starts with it I would love to say become a vegan avoid wheat and processed food and it will not spread. I think we could all live with a bit of Vit if we thought it would not get worse. thoughts?

      • I forgot to also mention, no alcohol right? Occasionally I have wine or cocktails with friends but I'm thinking none at all due to the toxins, liver function etc.
      • Caroline - so the diet link for me is really complicated.  I have been a vegetarian for 20 years now and my Vitiligo has been with me for 25 years (I am 40).  When I became a vegetarian it was not for health reasons, it was for animal rights.  The health factors were a bonus!  After changing my diet at 20, yes, my Vitiligo almost disappeared.  It only remained on one tiny spot on my ankles.  It was in this "remission" state for 14 years and then I got pregnant with my first child in 2004.  Once I was pregnant, the Vit took off like wildfire. It spread all over my ankles, elbows, knees, underarms, wrists, hands and inner thighs.  Total nightmare.  It got better in 2008 and then I got pregnant again with my 2nd child and came back...even more spots but in those same areas.  In the past 2 years it is the worst it has ever been.  So I think there is a definite link but no doctor has confirmed that for me.  My diet is extremely healthy and I recently lost 40 lbs.  Slowly things are now getting better but I am using a steroid cream to move this along.  That is making a dent in the spots but I am not sure how long full repigmentation will take and I don't think my doctore will let me use it forever.  :(  But no matter what, my diet has helped me stay extremely healthy and I am never, ever sick.  I feel great about my size but I can't wear some of the clothes I want due to the spots (things like tank tops are out).  I would love to put on a bikini and show off my size 4 body but the fear of stares at those spots is too scary.  No matter what, if you change your diet the vit WILL NOT GET WORSE!  You will be doing your body a huge favor by feeding it healthy, whole food so that is always a good thing.  I hope you try it and let me know if you need support...take care!!!

        • What a story and very inspiring.  I live in the US and would like to know what kinds of foods you include in your vegan diet hat you think help? Also what is the name of the cream you have used?
          • try savvyvegetarian website - they have great recipes. The cream I used is Protopic which is great for face and get lots of sun or UVB but do NOT burn - just short exposures when sun is not too strong. Good luck

        • that is an amazing story and I am so glad you shared it. I became Vegan 1 year ago and use protopic and UVB and my face is fully regimented and the rest of my spots have extensive freckling and shrinkage but have not gone away completely. I have stopped using protopic as  am worried about the long term issues. I do not always eat really healthily i.e. I eat crisps (chips in USA?) and sweets quite a lot which I know I need to cut down on and I also think Gluten/Wheat should be eliminated but I have so far not managed to do this for more than about 3 days. So I know I can do more and your story has inspired me. I do  wear tank tops etc and just show off my freckled spots as it is so much better than it used to be that I actually feel ok about it....yes I am a bit embarrassed but I am determined to make sure that now I have progress that I also cope better mentally with it and not let it run my life like it used to. I actually look forward to sunny days now!!!! I am 49 and also have 2 kids and I must admit most of the vit progress has been post kids so I am sure that there is a link...maybe hormones. I also juice a lot and take a probiotic and eat lots of raw foods i.e. I have a large salad most days and lots of fruit. Like you I am very petite and everyone always says what a great figure I have for my overall I love being a Vegan even f it did not help my Vit......but like you I am convinced it does. Lets keep in touch and see how we both progress. Good luck

      • yeah def - i could live with it on my knees and legs i think - its the hands, neck arms and face that i hate

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