
so i was walking downtown with my friend last night and we passed this guy with vitiligo and i said, "hey, he has vitiligo!" and my friend says, "v-what?" i say again, "vitiligo, don't you see his arms," and he says, "oooh, i just thought he got burned or something." i felt like running up to the stranger and giving him the biggest hug in the world and to just talk to him, i never get the chance to see people with vitiligo and when i do it's like my heart smiles & does back-flips through my chest. i wish i had even one friend who lived nearby with vitiligo so we can just talk and hang out.. i feel like im going through this alone and sometimes i just break down! like today, my mom unexpectedly saw me crying and she says i can talk to her about anything, which is absolutely great.. she just won't get it. no one will unless you have vitiligo, ugh it gets so frustrating. i see my vitiligo around my lips changing and there's nothing i can do about it. i have yet to accept the fact that it is what it is, it'll probably be easier on me once i do but damn, - excuse me - i just want a break.

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  • I understand 100% and share your feelings...

  • You and me both! Life keeps moving and my vitiligo keeps progressing at a rapid pace and I just want to say, "Hold up. Can I just have half a second to feel bad? " It gets hard to accept when it keeps changing. The second I get used to it...more shows up and I feel traumatized again. You have people who understand here. I could use a break too! And I get giddy when I see someone with vitiligo too. Wide eyed and hopeful that we will be able to connect somehow :) Clenching the arm of the person I'm with and taking a deep breathe I just saw someone famous. Life is a roller coaster. I think you're right though. The second we accept it, it gets easier. We can either white knuckle the roller coaster ride our throw or hands in the air and enjoy the ride.
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