
  • i would recommend vegetarain than vegan. i am also vegetarian throughout my life and have no issues except vitiligo which is in the curing stage at the moment. eat lot of veggies and oatmeal in the morning.

  • Hi Mayra --

    I've eaten vegetarian for over 3 months now, and I feel better as a result. I guess I view vitiligo like this -- if I'm going to have it, why not be the healthiest, fittest, sexiest I can be with it? Take what you can control, and master those areas. In feeling healthier with this diet, I feel happier; which can only help my vitiligo. 

    About a month ago, I decided to eliminate dairy and gluten as well. My vitiligo first became prominent at around the age of 23-24; and at this time, I also developed noticeable eczema on my arms. A few years back, my mother was diagnosed with a gluten sensitivity, and she had a similar response to it. It had sense worsened for me, so I figured I'd give it a shot. I've read recently that a number of people have reported success from eating a gluten-free diet.

    My one warning: It's A LOT harder than going vegetarian! That said, once you learn what you can and can't have, it gets much easier.

    Good luck!

  • yes I have by going mainly vegan although I have started to eat fish occasionally now and I have reduced gluten intake as well although not completely. It is all about being kinder to your digestive system. Most people are dairy intolerant and I could not digest meat very well. You have to try it for a long time before you see results though I would say at least 3 months and get some sunshine or UVB treatment as well. Good luck

    • Thanks! I will give it a shot!

      • Vegan or non vegetarian has nothing to do with vitiligo...Eating vegitable is good for every one but I don`t think being vegan will help vit.

        For instance India has more people with vitiligo ..most ppl who affected by vitiligo are ppl who are vegetarian because of religion ..Most vities show luck of vitamin B12 which we get from meat...I have tried,it may be good for other issue but not for vit.Try and see it ur self.

        Good luck!

        • Im with you Bamsegutt , vegan has nothing to do with Viti only that they do not eat meat which is stupid . I eat meat 3 times a day which is also stupid , but once a day some meat cant possibly do any harm . When people cant afford meat and thus start following their bullshit religion, and go vegan, then we have a problem . 

          • Hi Andrey..Eating meat 3 times a day is wrong , you nedd to be vegiterian atleast in your last meal coz eating heavy food disturb ur sleep , sleeping well is very important for us. The best is always half of ur dish should be salad/vegitable.


            • I eat alot of veggies . As i said i know that eating meat 3 times a day is stupid . But not eating it at all is even more dumb . Vegans say you can get iron from red beets ... human digestive system cant absorb iron from red beets ... and so on . Some meat and fish is needed no matter what . 

  • Yes get rid of all gluten in your diet , no need to kill yourself going Vegan .,.. ok for short time going vegan is ok , but long term it will mess your joints and teeth ... and so on . Gluten and sometimes milk is the problem not meat . Meat with veggies is the power . 

    And yes i had success stopping psoriasis with my diet , cant say about pigmentation , i got back my pigmentation using amino acid supplements .

    • Thank you for the replay Andrey! If you don't mind me asking, what kind of amino acid supplements are you taking?

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