uv light treatment

i have been getting the uv light treatment and its only been about 1 month so far the doc says it should work good for me but i want to ask all of you who have had this treatment does it work. also at night i put some cream on my affected area's that i was subscribed i figure using 2 things i would of see results already i know its a long process but my question is how long did it take for anyone to see some results?

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  • I have been going for about 6 months now and every time I come home from an apt (after the burn has subsided) I notice repigmentation in different areas of my face. It took me 4 months of going 2x a week to see improvements. I know it sucks but be patient im sure you'll see a difference in 4 months ! :) Its definitely worth it ! Goodluck ! 

  • i use it every otherday one minute per spot. it actualy work . ive been using it for almost 4 months now. 30% of spots repigmented

  • UVB along with Protopic worked great for me. My face has almost fully regimented and 6months later it seems to be staying ....we will see. The rest of my body is also slowly regaining colour and I am delighted with the results. I think the combination of UVB (or sun) with protopic cream is the best treatment available at the moment, Fingers crossed it works for you too....good luck

    • Caroline, if you don't mind me asking, how much sun is required while using Protopic?  I plan to start using it as soon as I can place an order, probably this week, and am scared that I may do more damage than good if I get too much sun.  Is the sunlight supposed to be limited in anyway (e.g. early morning or late afternoon, not prime sun hours?).  I am pretty desperate to try this to get pigment back to my face, as I am getting very down and depressed over it, more and more as it looks like I am sick or something (pigment under my eyes is pretty much gone).  Thanks in advance!  Oh, also can one use cover up makeup over the Protopic?  I will not leave my house or go to work without makeup these days, no way!!  thanks again!

      • I dont know how much sun you're supposed to get but i would be careful with it when you first start because when I first tried protopic i would only be outside for 5 minutes and my face would burn really bad to the point where it was really painful and I never used to burn before :/ I think it just sinks into your skin after a few minutes so im sure you can use makeup but my doctor never told me exactly. but i always wore makeup over mine. But it also gave me almost boil-like pimples so i stopped using it. Could have been a makeup combo but I think it was more the meds for me 

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