
  • Thanks Jessica for your comment!! I have heard the same thing about hair follicles! I have some small spots on my hands and put Protopic on those also for the heck of it and 2 small spots have left. Now I am not saying that Protopic cleared those for sure as they might just have gone away but you never know! I stopped putting Protopic on the spots when they disappear and they haven't returned yet!!!!!! Stay strong!

  • Thats great news :) treatment takes alot of patience, well done for not giving up! I know in the past I have been told that for re-pigmentation to be successful there must be hair follicles, so i guess there is more success with re-pigmenting skin with hair rather than none eg. hands and feet   

  • I must not know how to use the new sight as I typed in my comments and it is saying no description. What I wanted to say was I have vit on my face and I grew a beard and the hair in the vit area turned white. I have use Protopic for over a year and last week my wife and I noticed a few of the hairs are turning black. We are hoping that since the new black hair is in the vit area that maybe my skin will darken also! Keep fighting and stay positive and good things will happen!

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