
Hi all, 


I have recently started using a steroid cream Elicon as treatment on my hands. Just wondering if anyone has used this and seen results/side effects? I have been told that the cream will be effective on my new spots that are spreading, but the original vitiligo may never be repigmented. Just looking for some hope, its scaring me now that i can see it spreading more than it has before :(



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  • Hi jess, have you tried pro topic? I am using it and it is regimenting very large areas that are very old albeit very slowly. Don't give up hope. I am also following a vegan diet and taking supplements. Good luck
    • Hi Caroline, thanks for your reply :) I have never tried pro topic- but i will ask my doctor about this (if available in Australia), how long has it taken to work for you? I just want to try anything i can, but within reasonable prices of course!  also what supplements are you taking? 


      Jess :) 

      • I started treatment beg June along with multiple B vit, gingko Bilbao, probiotics and milk thistle for my liver. I also use natural sun when available or UVB lamp which I have at home. My face is completely repigmented and my neck and back is about 80 percent. I don't eat meat or dairy and I skin brush every day. Good luck
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