Topical Bimatoprost Possible Vitiligo Treatment

Hi all,

has anybody with segmental vitiligo try this?

Topical bimatoprost ophthalmic solution shows promise as a novel treatment for localized, stable vitiligo, a small pilot study suggests.

Patients with recalcitrant sequential or focal vitiligo, especially on the face, responded particularly well to the topical prostaglandin F2-alpha analogue in this small prospective trial with blinded outcome assessment, Dr. Tarun Narang said at the World Congress of Dermatology, held last month in Seoul.

Advantages of this off-label treatment include its low cost, the fact that patients can self-apply it with no requirement for photoexposure, and the minimal side effects, added Dr. Narang of Gian Sagar Medical College in Banur, India.

He reported on 10 patients with localized vitiligo who applied bimatoprost 0.03% ophthalmic solution at a dose of 1 drop per 2 cm2 of affected skin twice daily for 4 months.

Seven of 10 patients showed pronounced repigmentation beginning on average after 2 months of treatment: 3 patients had 100% repigmentation, 3 others had 75%-99% repigmentation, and 1 patient showed 50%-75% repigmentation.

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  • Hi jimmy! Have you tried it?
    • Hello how can I purchase some.  I would like to try it.



  • Hi! I am trying it I posted about it a few months back..I think it was last May or June (2011). I applied it 2 times a day and it did turn my spots pink and I used in combination with natural sunlight.I think one of my spots shrunk and I am hoping to see more results this summer with adding the sun (cant now since I live in CT).

    • Do you mean you have been using it since May 11 ( almost a year ) ?  You  are  sure if spots are smaller ? just pink ? I have to say I am very disappointed !!! 

      I have been using it now for about 4 weeks . It is a bit pink too, however I think I notice that the "normal" skin ( non vitiligo )  is darker.  

      Thanks for sharing !

      • Hi Caro any luck with this treatment after 2 months ?

        • unfortunately  no, I am not giving up I will continue and have recently added UVB

          Is anyone else trying it ?

      • I used it for about 4 months..and then stopped but recently started using it again because i want to combine it with getting sun. I was hoping for really good results too..but I am trying to repigment spots some that I have had for 5 years and some for 10 I am sure this makes it much harder to repigment.

    • Where did you buy it?

      • You need a prescription

    • They didn`t say must combine it with sun..what about use it alone`?

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