Thoughts on vitiligo cure by a well know doc in India

According to :

Dr. J. S. Pasricha


Vitiligo is a completely curable disease even if the patient is developing hundreds of patches every month. The patient however must receive correct treatment.

The correct treatment consists of, (1) Azathioprine 100 mg every day after breakfast, (2) Betamethasone 5 mg every Saturday and Sunday also with breakfast, and (3) Fluticasone cream massaged on the white patches once a day (preferably at night). There is no need to expose the skin to sunlight, nor to protect it from sunlight. There are no food restrictions.

Thus all that the patients need to do is to take the oral medicines at breakfast and apply the cream at night, and continue the daily routine activities.

This treatment is so effective that the new lesions stop appearing within the first 1-2 months and the existing lesions start repigmenting after 2 months. Some lesions repigment earlier, some improve later and those which have lost their pigment cells will remain as such. If this treatment is continued for at least 4 years without interruptions, there is almost no chance of reactivation of the disease in future.

The treatment is fairly safe. There are almost no side effects. An occasional patient may not be able to tolerate azathioprine, such a patient can be treated with cyclophosphamide in the same dose. Betamethasone given in the pulse form, also does not produce much side effects. Tendency to put on weight can be managed by reducing the food intake, while the other side effects are seen only if the patient has another concomitant reason for the side effect (acne occurs only in young patients, hirsutism in patients having PCOD, diabetes in people having a family tendency and so on).

Routine blood tests once in 3 months will ensure that there is no concomitant disease or side effect. 

After the treatment is completed, the residual vitiligo patches can be treated with skin grafting if the patient is keen to get rid of them. 

Early treatment will reduce the extent of residual patches. 

NOTE: Please do not start a treatment without medical supervision."

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