I know how it feels to have people point and stare.  I know how it feels to have people say what did you do to yourself.  I know how it feels for people to laugh at me.  My Vitiligo is on %50 of my face.  i did everything and almost went to Cuba for some 5star skin centre.  I wore make up for 5 years of my youth than i became an alcolholic.  I was divorced mad and accepted this is what I am.  I moved on with my life remarried and found someone who looked past my face and did research on the side for me.  I really did not go outside for a long time.  She tells me there's things out there but I wouldnt listen.  My answer was if Dermatalogist dont have anything and Micheal Jackson with all his money couldnt find anything than this is what I am, until.

My Wife started to do some research after I gave up and excepted this is what I have to deal with.  Being in a state of depression not wanting to go outside she heard about a natural herbal remedy pill that you can get from almost any pharmacy over the counter called Ginkgo biloba.  The most cost effective place I found it to be dirt cheap was Costco.  Here in Canada it was $7 for 340 capsules.  Where as the drugstore it $30 for 30 capsules.  Ginko Biloba helps to circulate blood through the body.  Well at first I tried taking 4 daily started to see some colour after 2 weeks.  Than my wife suprises me and bought something from Pakistan and I was really reluctant to use it.  I was thinking Pakistan no way.  So I promisedto give it a shot.  Its a oil that stinks but you get use to the smell.  I applied very aggessrively all over my face until my skin would redden a little twice a day everyday.  I also upt the ginko to 8 a day 4 in the morning 4 at night.  Man after 2 weeks there was an explsion of colour coming back to my face and in 6 weeks I was back to normal.  The bottle is called Anti-Vitiligo, it has a green cap and a brown bottle my wife got it for $100.  I dont have a website for you google it in images its from Pakistan I do believe they have a distribution in U.S.  It worked for me and for the cost its worth trying.  Anyone I meet off the streets I tell them about it but you need the Ginkgo biloba pill a must.  You dont use the entire bottle so it should last a while I have had mine for 2 years.  About every 6 months I need to reuse it again.  I really hope you try this it changed my life and it worked for me.  Thanks Rassool Auckbaraullee  share this with everyone you know. This is not a cure but a band aid that last somewhere between 4 - 6 months.

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  • I've been taking Ginkgo for about 6 months based on some research papers I read, but it hasn't seemed to do anything for me. :(

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