The enzyme catalase is important for breaking down hydrogen peroxide, a normal byproduct of many biochemical processes in the human body, including pigment production in the skin.  If hydrogen peroxide is not broken down by catalase (into oxygen and water), it can cause damage to cells and contribute to disease processes.  CAT was originally selected as a candidate gene because of reports from Dr. Karin Schallreuter’s research team that hydrogen peroxide levels are abnormally high in the entire skin of vitiligo patients and that catalase enzyme activity is depressed.  A deficiency in catalase enzyme activity in vitiligo patient skin is the biochemical basis for pseudocatalase treatment

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  • I have done PCKUS treatment by  proffessor Karin Schallreuter’s but didn`t help me ..It helps for some people but not as it is announced on her home page.


    • Thanks for the feedback. I do not know what PCKUS treatment is so I will look up this professor for more information. Can I ask, how long did you try this treatment?
      • Hey

        PCKUS is pseudocatalase cream treatment combined with UVB ...I tried it for about 4 months didn`t help me and some other people too helps some people ...mostly it helps combining it along with Dead sea climatreatment.

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