Let's hope it works this time cause i'm running out of patience putting on makeup every morning eh;)

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  • awesome!!!!!

  • tht's great

  • hope this works..!!!!! jen ur comment is giving me more hope... thanks for sharing...!!!!!!!!

  • I messaged one of the researchers in chicago , she said that hes been trying to cure vitiligo for over 20 years. she has never come so close,and this is a cure, and is expected to be available for patients in two years if every test keeps going well,

    EVERYONE email her and show that we care, ask how long until the treatment is available and she will give you the info i  got,

  • Not sure why others are not talking about this more, this is HUGE news and tthe most promising to date. Clinical trails will be lengthy but I believe this could be the cure! I've had vitiligo for 44 years and this is the first time I feel positive about a cure.
  • hope it works!!!!!.........
    let's all be possitive..=)
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