That time of the year again!

Hi everyone.

Well that time of year is coming round again where my confidence levels drop, and I know Im not alone in feeling that way. My friends and family are amazing and tell me that I shouldnt let my vitiligo get to me but its so hard when all your friends are looking forward to getting nice tans, and you're trying to avoid getting one so that the patches dont show up so much and people dont stare. Ive joined this group as i'm hoping that by talking to others who are going through the same as me, I can start to feel positive about having vitiligo and help others realise that being different isnt a bad thing, its what makes us who we are :-)

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  • I feel your pain....
  • To me this time of year is no different from any other. I still wear what I want and could care less what others think.I dont wear make up, never have and honestly probably never will. I feel the so called "normal" people sense fear when they see that we are selves aren't confident enough to put our heads up and leave them up when they stare. Im 24 years old and have had this for 21 years of people staring and for me it gets easier because people are stupid to what they dont know and what they dont understand. Like most individuals with vitiligo I get sunburn on my patches when im in the sun too long but besides that nothing else bothers me. Sometimes the stares do get on my nerve but I NEVER PUT MY HEAD DOWN I just look stupidity in the face and say "HI CAN I HELP YOU". There's nothing wrong with being different God created us this way . I hope this gives some one encouragement I believe it is my duty to spread my confidence so that we can be who we were intended to be. Be blessed.
  • it's so hard to stay out of the sun especially when your summer vacation is somewhere really HOT! I'm going to Hong Kong soon, a place that is known for the heat and sun :(... time to wear tons of sunscreeen! :P
  • This year I've spent more time in the sun, and have noticed that I'm not burning on my Vitiligo spots like I usually do--no idea why this is the case.  But what it means is that I'm getting much tanner and so my Vitiligo is REALLY standing out.  We went to an event the other day and a little girl--since my hands were right at her eye-level--says, "Your hands are white!"  I think I was actually more comfortable than the other people around us, as they tried to ignore it, I'm sure thinking that would be easier for me.  I said to the girl, "Yes, you're right.  My hands are white!"  :)  That was all she needed and she moved on.
  • Yeap it that time of the year indeed whereby my make up seem so obivious ........ The finger points more my head drop even low and I just don't want to go out ....... It's crazy one need not feel this way but when you start sweating and you know you dare not wipe it people look and stare
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