So I always go into the summer feeling very confident. I think that stems from just having spent months in winter time covered up in longsleeves. Day by day I lose my confidence in the summer time as my tan darkens and my spots show more. I swear its like I become agoraphobic.
Anyways my question is. I use a foundation or a cream concealer that works in most situations but as far as swimming and sweating goes it doesnt last. Does anyone have any tips on a sunless tanner spray or a waterproof cover up that is fairly natural looking and not crazy orange colored?
Thanks in advance for any tips.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I think im gonna give a few of them a try and see. I googled them and they got some decent reviews.
Christie as far as how I deal with it. I just take it a day at a time. Some are worst then others and some It doesnt bother me.
I think its worst when there is swimming involved because I cant cover up.
Wish I could help, but my son is the one with vitiligo and he is only 9, so we aren't at the covering up stage yet. I completely understand how your confidence gets a little lost in the summer. I hardly thought about Austn's vitiligo this winter now I find myself with the summertime blues. I just wish there was more that I could do to help him. I think his classmates forgot about this winter, but now it is starting to show and the questions have started coming again. My heart breaks for him. How do you deal with it?