Success with Home Phototherapy

Aloha all,

I bought a used 4 –bulb home phototherapy light machine for vitiligo treatments and have started to use it under doctor’s care. I would really like to hear from those of you who have used NB-UVB phototherapy and what success you have had with this? 

Have you used it at home?  Sometimes I feel a little sick or dizzy afterwards, kind of like the flu coming on, for a couple hours. Have you had any side effects? 

I am eager to hear whether NB-UVB light treatments have helped you and how it goes because it’s moving up on my neck and face will be next.  Please tell us your details with this kind if treatment. 

Some say you should use Protopic or Dovonex with it.  I would like your input and opinions.

I have tried diet, supplements, medicines, all the usual, but nothing has helped slow down the steady march of vit upwards to my face.  Maybe this will.  Any input and encouragement is welcome.

Thanks a lot!

Betsy in Hawaii

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  • How lobg have ypu been at it and have you had any re pigmentation yet ?
    • Dear is ur repigmentation ? did it stay long for some the result is temporary, have you gain good result?

  • I am using a full body uvb machine under a doctors clinic. Yes sometimes I do feel little dizzy just after the session and yes it is advisable to use melgain , apply on the spots one hour prior for the therapy session. Also the dosage that I have at the maximum taken in the full body machine is 1.7 joules however if you leave the therapy for a month or so the doctors here start with 0.5 joules and gradually increase the dosages.
  • Handheld isn't strong enough for big areas like back neck and face...just for hands n feet. Get one with at least four long bulbs and stand very close to it. That's what worked for me.
  • Ive had less success. Ive been using a handheld uvb light for about 4 months now. I combine it with protopic, and ive had some pigment return on my leg, but none yet on my face/neck. Im a bit disappointed, but ill carry on with it because its the only option ive got and maybe in time it will start to help more.

    Good luck!
    • Appreciate your reply..Good to know that its having positive effect. I am also receiving phototherapy treatment, albeit  in an hospital for the last six weeks, twice a week. I see some pigment formations on my face and quite a lot on my arms. But it takes a lot of travel time to and from downtown. Was wondering if I could do it at home, 

      I think, after receiving your and Betsy's reply, I should give it a try. Thanks to you all. Good luck to everyone. 

  • Yes I use it combined with pro topic. The face was easiest to pigment and my back. Now my neck is filling in. I am onto my 5th month and it is great. It has changed my life and I have enjoyed my first summer in years. Good luck. Have you tried gingko Bilbao support as well? It is meant to halt progress. Good luck
    • Good to hear from you, Mohammed. I got the machine used so don't know the name of it. Just go on the Internet and look up NB-UV Phototherapy machines and you'll find them wherever you live. Make sure you have narrow band bulbs.This phototherapy treatment has definitely slowed and maybe stopped the progression of vitiligo on my neck and face but not so much on my arms. I need to continue the three times a week treatments, and I intend to start again. If you're most concerned about your face and neck, that's where you'll get the best results, but it's not so good for hands or arms. I
      • Many thanks , Betsy.

      • Dear Betsy..did the UVB worked on Your face or neak? which part of face ?how many times a week  have you used it , for how long? After how long did you see the first result? did you stopp it for some time?


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