
  • Hi Dylan,
    Sarah is right. Selsun blue and other anti-fungal pills and medications won't do a thing for vitiligo. They only work on skin fungus like what we here in Hawaii call "haole rot." This looks a little bit similar to vitiligo but it shows up only on certain places on the body and rarely on the hands and arms and never in the legs or feet. It's mainly on the upper chest and upper back. The doctor treated me for this thinking that was what I had and left me with these comforting words: "If in two months your color hasn't come back, it's not tinea versicolor; it's vitiligo." And guess what?
  • My 8 y o used selsun blue dandriff shampoo as a body wash it does lighten the dark spots for a while but doesn't last. my son is using Vitilax skin oil and the capsules.not only will creams help but the problem is internally. You have to stop the root. try and check out their items my pharmacy o.k.'ed this product it's worth a try.. let me know
  • I have also heard of this being used to treat fungal infection on the skin. Unfortunately many people confuse fungal skin infections with Vitiligo. They are totally different and therefore, I do not thing Selsun would also work as a treatment for Vitiligo.
  • Hi Dylan

    Yeah I've heard of selsun lotion being used to treat white spot on the skin, however, selsun lotion is used as antifungal for the treatment of Pityriasis Versicolor, a fungal infection which causes white spots that appear to be very similar to vitiligo spots, and it is often get misdiagnosed as vitiligo. There are loads of info available on misdiagnosis of Pityriasis Versicolor as vitiligo.
    Hope this helps
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