Self confidence

I am so over seeing women on TV who have no confidence about the way they look. That just shows that no matter how you look if you don't feel will not show. When I see this type of behavior I realize that those same women could not survive with vit. If they get upset about hair extensions and make up this would be too much for them. I wish I could go to a plastic surgeon or get a make over to change my life. If you think about it, you have to be confident to expose your vit, talk to people about it and accept the looks and stares while holding your head up high. But, sometimes it is too much for me becasue society is so caught up in how people look.  Unfortunately, people come to conclusions about someone just based on how they look and I think sometimes that is why I am self-conscious about my vit. depending on where I am at.  But that happens less often than not and most times I am confident. I tell myself all the time.. I am still pretty, I just look different :)

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