SCENESSE® Clinuvel

Surely I am not the only one watching the progress on this treatment ??? 

This certainly looks like the answer to our prayers.

Any comments appreciated 

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  • Thank you again Andrey, please may I ask, what's your experience with tyrosine ? Do you have vitiligo ? Did tyrosine cure you ? What's the length of time needed before any signs of re pigment
    Thank you
    • Does anyone know if the phase III trails has been started for SCENESSE ?

      • Hi Navin,

        We're yet to commence a new trial of the drug in vitiligo, but plans are underway to commence a Phase IIb study before the end of this year. I'll be sure to update Vitiligo Friends on any details, but feel free to contact me directly ( if you have any questions.

        Kind regards,

        Lachlan Hay

        Head of Global Network and Communications

        Clinuvel Pharmaceuticals Ltd

        • Is it possible to request participation in the study?  Or do you pre-select candidates from specific pools of patients?

          • Hi Mike,

            Whenever we set up a study, there are specific inclusion/exclusion criteria that are stipulated to ensure that there is consistency across the cohort of individuals participating and that we can ensure the consistency of results.

            As a company, we don't select individuals directly for studies. Rather, we approach clinical study sites (hospitals and clinics) who will recruit from their own patients or, sometimes, advertise for individuals in their locality to recruit for a study (either in the media or with nearby clinics). This is why we encourage people to speak with their doctor/dermatologist if they're interested in participating in research.

            As a point of reference, you can check out the inclusion/exclusion criteria for our US study at (under Eligibility).

            Kind regards,


  • Amino acid Tyrosine . Look it up . 

    Tyrosine, a parent amino acid for skin, hair, and eye pigments, is involved in syndromes, known generally as oculocutaneous albinism, that are characterized by the failure to form melanin pigments, resulting in partial or complete albinism. It is also the precursor amino acid for the thyroid gland hormone thyroxin, and a defect in this may result in hypothyroidism – an enlargement of the thyroid gland (goiter), severe growth failure, and retardation of central nervous systemdevelopment. A deficiency may also have symptoms of low blood pressurelow body temperature (including cold hands and feet) and “restless leg syndrome.”

  • .(all the points copied  from Bamsegutt`s comment on other forum)

    Sorry after researching alot about SCENESSE I gave up lately for many reason


    1.It takes long time ..if you sit and wait It may take more than 5-7 years to get the drug recognized and available every where…”If it gets approved”. since it is a pharma company they can`t sell it in advance like other scam products…it has to go to the right follow ups. Imagine It took already about 3 years to show the test result..they haven`t come up yet with full report…


    2.Bam was a stock share trader he saied for me it sounds like one of typical pharma companies who come up with some new medicine research which takes long time and they come up always with good report once or towice a year just to keep the investors not to sell and to get new investors  to raise the price of shares ,this company is registerd in Australian stock exchange.


    3.the MSH theory is correct but they haven`t approved on there test if the drug works alone for vitiligo not even in one single person is only theory they are selling,what they compare is UVB alone and UVB combined with the drug ,…we all know Uvb alone works fine for some ppl but it doesn`t keep question is while they are using all resource in several centers around the world why not test if the drug works alone? What makes me upset is first they come up with breakthrough video news which say the first drug, now they talk about NB UVB…


    4.Let us say this product helps ..are we going to use uvb the rest of our lives??since it works combined. Remember” It is not advised to use Uvb for longer period”.


    My conclusion is forget SCENESSE for the moment If they come up with the drug after decays that is fine If nor be realistic and focus on other real treatments which give some result


    I know one of the main represent for this company is following on this forum I am waiting her answer for all my points ,her name is Lachlan.


    I have got most info from Bamsegutt( vitiligo fighter)

    • Your opinion is respected, Scenesse still can be promising. And Lachlan is a him not a her..
      • Im really not bothered if we have to combine with UVB, as long as it clears the Vitilgo i'm happy. I am also very grateful to Clinuval for establishing this program. But it would be good if they could give us more details of the treatment and progress.   

        • Hi everyone,

          Our product is in clinical trials for vitiligo, at no point have we indicated that it is a safe and effective treatment but we are working hard to determine if it may assist in repigmentation.

          I'm sorry if people have been confused by the information we've released, but we have consistently noted that the drug would be tested as an adjunct to NB-UVB and tried to explain how we believe the drug may work, as outlined in our video from August 2010: We've also consistently noted that clinical trials are a process which take time and patience.

          I'm here to try and answer any questions you may have as best I can but I ask for your understanding that, at this point in time, there are many questions that we cannot answer (we can only rely on evidence from regulated clinical trials).

          You can also reach me directly by email -

          Lachlan Hay

          Head of Global Network and Communications

          Clinuvel AG

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