
Would you rather have psoriasis or vitiligo?  I have had someone tell me that they could live with me having vit but can not stand to look at a person with psoriasis. This was very interesting to me and I tought about it and which one I think would be worse.  I figured with psoriasis at least you skin is one color versus vitiligo and psoriasis does have may treatment options. Please share your thoughts.

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  • I think this is an interesting question. It seems there is more support and information on the web for people with psoriasis. The sad thing is any skin condition brings emotional pain and feelings of loneliness. I still couldn't pick one over the other.
  • I would prefer Psoriasis because there are multiple treatment options and they are effective once you find what works for you. Vitiligo is "just pigment" but it can be (in my opinion) psychologically devastating. There is no way to control it nor any really effective treatments.

  • i actually have both psoriasis and vitiligo and i have got to say id rather have psoriasis. both ara a pain to have, but you cant really control vitiligo as much as you can psoriasis.

  • I gotta say, I'd take vitiligo any day of the week. I've never experience psoriasis, but I've heard it can be quite painful and humiliating. Yeah, my skin looks *different* from most people's skin, but I've heard people with very bad psoriasis say that they feel like a monster, and that people are afraid to touch them. That would absolutely devastate me :-(

  • Ohhh Antuana, I will prefer and opt for Vitiligo anytime anyday if given the choice. Psoriasis is not an easy one at all. Psoriasis is scaly, itches and all, I understand the way it appears on White skin usually redish is somewhat different on the way it is on black skin.

    Bottomline I will go for Vitiligo over and over

    • For me it is the same , in my opinion there is no condition called better or worest ,,,it is how you take it and in what kind of society you live in has a big impact , the psychological pain is the same whether you have vit or psoriasis .

       there are some society who accept anything else but not vitiligo they think it is punishment from God. Where as in Norway no body care what vitiligo is the foreign minster has vitiligo , I meet some ppl and ask them about there vitiligo and they answer they don`t mind about it once they know there is no cure they don`t even want to waste time for treatment, I think when you live in a civilized society  where no body bother you about the condition, vitiligo it is not a big deal. Well it is hard for children every where but the kids have there own way to handle it ,some kids say to make it easy it is my spot ,parents have to work hard to give the children a good confidence about there vitiligo.

      Let us rather hope a cure comes soon for all autoimmune conditions, believe me it is around the corner .

      Have a nice day!


  • Vit - it's only lack of color. as opposed skin damage.
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