Aloha and Happy Holidays to all of you from Hawaii! Or as they say in Hawaiian here "Mele Kalikimaka" (Merry Christmas).
I have just started on Protopic and it has a strong warning against sun exposure, yet I read that most of you have been using it with narrow band UVB dermawands etc. to enhance it. Some Doc's say yes to NBUV and mine says read the insert, which says no sun. What do you think? Sun or no sun?
Also, the Protopic ointment makes my skin itch, and I'm not sure I can stand it for how many more months! It feels like I've been bitten by mosquitoes all over. Only cold ice on it helps. Did any of you get that reaction? Oddly enough, for the year before I came down with vitiligo, the skin in my arms where I now have vit itched terribl,y but did not show any redness or anything, just plain itched. Once I got vit, it stopped itching, until I started on the Protopic.
How long would you recommend I continue with Protopic (if I can stand it!)? And if you have any success stories about Protopic or other ideas, facts, or recommendations, I sure would like to hear them. I need something right now!
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