Protopic Success and Issues

Hey everyone, I've been using Protopic since the beginning of August. I use it around my eyes and my arms. For a while I was using Wanakee's Vitilgo Herbal Skin Cream. I saw a small patch of pigmentation on my left eye. I called it my $90 spot. It worked no where else on my body. So I gave that up and I began using the Protopic and it took off. I can say that my right eye is almost completely repigmented, my left eye is making a lot of progress. As for my arms, I've seen close to 0% pigmentation. Maybe two freckles on my hands, but that's it. I also have loss of pigment around my mouth/chin. I started to the Protopic there and  I experience an acne break out of epic proportions. I hate it because I've had such success on other parts of my face. Anybody else have this problem? Any suggestions? Thanks.

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  • i have been using protopic since may 1st and i havent seen anything different on my face but on my legs i have freckles of repigment. my face hasnt broke out in acne but has gottn really red.

  • Hi everyone!  I started using protopic almost a month ago, but haven't noticed any progress yet.. :/ I know that it takes time, but I am affraid that, even if I keep using it , things won't get better :/ When I read all your comments, I realised that maybe I was wrong and I should give it a second chance. I'll keep using it for a month. I'll keep u updated :D

    With Love and Respect,


    • You should definitely keep using it! I'm not going to say I guarantee that it will work for you, but you should give it a chance. I say use it everyday for 3 months. Yes, it seems like a long time. If you don't see ANY signs of progress, that means you don't see any freckles, it might not work for you. Mine took about a month before I saw some signs of results.  Good luck!
      • Ok!! I'll give it a try :) Hope for the best!! Thank u very very much :)
  • my husband has been having success with protopic on his face (his vit is all over, chin both sides, around his eyes, eyelids, around the nostrils).  I would say he is about 80% repigmented.  It is considerably less noticeable.  There's a stubborn spot under his chin, but everywhere else it's less white.  My husband suffered with acne as a teenager pretty badly, but hasn't had too many breakouts or side effects with protopic so far...just a little reddness in the beginning.  He puts it on in the am before leaving for work, and washes it off once he arrives at work about an hour later.  Then he puts it on again before bed and leaves it on overnight.  I know it can be washed off after about 30-60 minutes, so perhaps if you aren't already doing that -- you could try and see if that helps with the break outs?

    He has a few spots on some fingers/knuckles.  On those spots he has maybe 10% improvement?  Basically, he has just a few freckles and honestly he can't remember if those were sort of there as he lost the pigment.  His doctor said the hands are harder to treat and take much longer to see any results.  His face started to see some results within the first 6-8 weeks.  Sorry that his experience on hands so far isn't very encouraging...but he is continuing the treatment.

  • I started protopic at the beginning of October and I am having slow but promising results. I too have had some small spots of repigmentation on my eyelids and on my elbows. I also use it at night only and though I havent had any breakouts, the areas are occasionally sensitive and tender to touch. I had faster and more complete results with Elidel but a few months after stopping the cream, the repigmented areas began to fade again. Elidel is a lot easier to use twice a day though because it is a cream and not thick and sticky.
  • How long it took for you to get re-pigmented around eyes ?  Thanks
    • Hi! I think it's taken me two and half months for my right eye. My left eye has been so much slower. I'm supposed to put on the Protopic twice a day, but I don't unless it's the weekend. I put it on every night before bed. To give you an idea of the area, I lost my pigment above my eyebrows and down to my cheek bone. Have you tried Protopic yet?
      • yes its just 2 beginner :)

  • Yes, protopic definitely causes some acne breakouts near my mouth and eyes.  No suggestions though.  I'm sticking with it because for me, it's bearable.  

    I am using it in combination with excimer laser treatments, and so far, have some minimal results.  But it's still relatively early for me.  I've got my fingers crossed.

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