Protopic is an ointment...really??

I feel foolish for not knowing this.  I was surprised when I first aplpied it to my face yesterday.  I hate ointments....I hate the greasy feeling, the shininess it leaves.  I find it gross and the face.  I stupidly thought it was a cream.  So I did a little research I found Elidel which is a cream.  It works in a similar manner to is an immunosuppressant. 

Does anyone use Elidel?  What do you guys know about Elidel?  Is it as effective on the face as protopic is claimed to be?  before I switch, I want all of your opinion.


Thanks a bunch

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  • Thankyou Nadika! I will try to ask for this one! :) 

  • If I was to stick with long after having applied it can I rinse it off. I really don't feel like going to work with a shiny face. 

    • Give at least 45 - 60 minutes !!! If possible, more !!!! 

  • I am curious if anyone from Australia has used either Protopic or Elidel- my derm won't prescribe it ! Or are there any other brand names that it goes by?!

    • Jessica !!! You can ask by the name TACROLIMUS Ointment !!! 

  • I will stick with Protopic - if I were you !!!! I know Protopic works on the face - as it has for many others and for me too !!!! I have NOT heard the same about Elidel !!! Check out this link.  

    And I thought Protopic comes in both Ointment form and Cream form !!! 

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