
  • I've never used protopic, but from what I've read about others using it, it takes a long time for it to start working or for you to finally see results. I wanna say the normal response time frame is like 5 to 6 months, maybe longer depending on other factors, ie. the location of your vit, how long youve had it, other treatments, etc. etc.

  • This is my second day and I have experienced the burning already with the sun and the heater. I just wondered if it was normal and not a reaction. It's tolerable though. Thanks and I wish you the best!
    • Its normal :) I got a crazy reaction every time I drank alcohol in the beginning. Became red as a tomato :)   

    • It's normal!! I did a lol of research on it :)
  • Nikki, you mean the protopic burns? I just started using it yesterday and I have like a tingly sensation and wondered if that was normal...
    • Karen, yes it burns, to be honest it was really uncomfortable for me. My face was constantly burning and felt hot, if I am in the sun or have a heater blowing on my face (like in the car) it's much worse. I think part of it is because I have vitiligo on my eyelids and that skins is extra sensitive. I do have a friend however who used it on her arm for eczema and had the same sensation. Burning aside I will say it was definitely worth the results (and not everyone gets such a bad reaction like I did). I use it only at night to help relieve some of the burning and I saw huge results within 6 weeks. Large areas or the vitiligo in my face repigmented. I've tried so many treatments over the past 20 years and its the first that actually worked. I recently started using it again for some new spots. Good luck and keep using it if u can, the burning did tone down after the first couple weeks and went away completely within a week of stopping it.
  • Thanks friends will try it for sometime more :)

  • I would keep using it, it helped my vitiligo on my face after prob 2-3 months... I slathered it in thick. Just started back to it a couple days ago cause I noticed the spots more again. Sigh. The burning is what drives me the most crazy. It hurts my eyes and face so bad.
  • Use the tube...nothing to loose. Also keep in mind that it could be working by not spreading any further.
  • I'd say continue. And sunbathe before 10.00. Is it a big spot or a small one? 

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