
started may 1st havent been applying like i should but on my legs two big spots are now filling in. nothing has changed anywhere else yet. (sharing)

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  • Thanks yes I keep all emotions hidden however children can at times be cruel all I can do is help him overlook other people's staring and cheer him up
  • dovobet can not be used by kids sorry!

    it's difficult to repigment spots on hands.

    i have tried different treatments and nothing helped for the spots on my hands.

    please try not to overreact when he's in the neighborhood - stress should be avoided...!!!  during my puberty i struggled with a few problems and i'm sure that the stress caused a part of my vitiligo-problem...


  • Im desperate he uses lidex and elidel but hands have worsen while his neck has pigmented again! He is only 10
  • dovobet is an ointment in the treatment of psoriasis.  but can give positive results in the treatment of vitiligo...

  • My son has Big spots in legs and has some in hands what is dovobet
  • tom keep me posted :)

  • hey,

    protopic works for spots in my face.

    spots on my hands, legs, body,... don't react on protopic.

    now i'm trying Dovobet on the rest of my body and protopic on my face.

  • :) yeh i figure why not it doesnt hurt since its not a steroid.

  • Keep it up! It really only worked for me on my face.

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