pregnancy and vit

my vit is brought on by stress. when i was first diagnosed about a year ago it was only on my shins. since becomig pregnant ive noticed new spots up and down my arms and the spots are even getting bigger whereas the spots on my shins are the same size. is it normal for vit to spread like this?

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  • Nothing needs to be done. I'm one of the few people with vit that chooses not to seek treatment to fix this. Just wanted to know if this is normal for pregnancy to make it spread faster if other woman have experienced rapid spreading of their vit while pregnant. I'm not seeking treatment.
    • I had no vitiligo before my second son. When they say it can be brought on by stress, I agree 100% My second son came with such a quickness, no mess all natural. And it stressed me out to the MAX. I've been in many stressful situations but nothing like that. About a month after having him I started noticing spots. It began to spread lile wildfire. Soon after that, I noticed a small spot on my sons back too. Preganancy is a stressful time. Relax as much as you can. I know it's hard, I do... You just have to try.
    • Yes mine spread while pregnant, my Daughter also has developed Vitiligo since being pregnant

  • Viti is not normal by itself . It can spread in any pattern . Read more of my posts for better clue what needs to be done . 

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