Please tell me if this is VITILIGO . I need help .

Hello all ,

I am 20 year of age and about 2 years back i noticed a small white spot on my left hand middle finger . Didn't pay much attention to it and moved on with life .
Now ,however these white spots are getting more and more in number and are spreading to my other fingers as well on both my hands .

However they keep on fluctuating . Sometimes they are very prominent whereas sometimes they are hardly noticeable . And they go from being noticeable to not being there at all in a time span of a minute .

I have consulted a number of doctors and a couple of them have also done the wood lamps test and they all have come to the conclusion that it is not vitiligo . I had one done a week back itself and the doctor assured me after doing the wood lamp test( which was a thorough one) that its not Vitiligo . And stated that these were due to vitamin deficiencies( Which could be true as i do not have any vegetables ) , however im really worried because they are spreading on my hand (but no where else on the body) .

There are no instances of VITILIGO in my family history .
I am attaching some pics of the white spots , please help me out .

Regards , Richard.

P.S. I couldn't figure out how to add more than one pics ..




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  • It looks like tinea versicolor to me, a skin fungus, especially how you say it's there 1 min then gone the next. It's really common where I live (humid climate) and easily treatable. Although you said you went to a dermatologist, I would have thought they would have a diagnosis. If you wanna try yourself to get rid of it, get some Broad spectrum anti fungal cream (clotrimazole) often branded Canesten. It's very cheap from a chemist. Should take 2 - 4 weeks to clear

    • Hi luke . 

      I did check out tinea versicolor , but what i am not sure about is ,it does it also happen on the hands(fingers) ?? 
      Is it common where you live , is it anything like what the pic depicts ??


  • Richard, this does not look or sound like vitiligo to me at all, def looks more circulatory to me and I would say mike is probably heading more along the right track especially if your hands get cold and fluctuate to a deep red/purple colour also.All the best hope you get it sorted.
    • Hey Phil , Thanks for the reply .

      My hands do not get red/purple but there is certainly some loss of sensation . But yes there is some amount of fluctuation for sure .

      I to hope to get it sorted asap . Its started to really worry me .

      Thanks .

  • In my opinion, it's too soon to tell if you have vitiligo.  I would give it more time.  Eat your vegetables, and take a multivitamin.

    • Hi Dj , thanks for the reply ..

      So should i just wait ?? But that would make it spread even more :((

  • When this happens do your fingers feel cold or numb/pin-pricks?  If so, this could be something called Raynaud's phenomenon that involves reduced blood flow to the fingers.

    Vitiligo would not fluctuate back and forth - at most you'd see reddening of depigmented areas when there is increased blood flow.  

    • Hey mike , thanks a lot for the reply .

      I do feel numbness as in the loss of sensation but not much ..
      My spots do fluctuate a lot . Specially when im at a dermatologist , they seem to not be there but then under certain light conditions they come alive as seen in the pics .  But as i am typing this , they dont seem to be there at all but im sure they would be more noticeable after a minute

      There is no reddening of the spots ever . They at the max are visible as much as they are in the pic that i posted .

      What could this be ??
      Please help .

      • Follow your doctor's gudance!
        • Hi cawanda .

          I dont know what to do !!

          It is slowly spreading but all the 5 dermatologists that i have shown say that its not vitiligo !!

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