Please Help!!!

My son is crying out for attention right now and we are really worried.  My son is now 18 yrs old and a student at a university in the Tampa Bay area.  He has had vitiligo since he was around 8.  Recently we found out from a friend that he has been seeing a psychiatrist at his school and they also have started prescribing medication for him.  He says that he knows that we love him but we are his family and that he doesn't have any friends.

We're desperate for someone to talk with in the Tampa Bay area that can tell our son what he needs to hear.  We don't want to lose him!!!

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  • ask him to cover his skin with derma colour they water proof and  match with his skin and he can also live a normal life like other  they are comuflage derma color with various shades according to his skin

  • No, it's a little more than I care to discuss at this moment but we had to have an intervention for him. Steps had already been taken.  

  • Getting on meds is not a sign of losing your son, at least not from your description. It sounds like he is taking the necessary steps to find help. Medications can help with depression and social anxiety. Continue to support him in the good decisions he makes and let him know that you respect his choices. I've had vitiligo since I was 4 and I still struggle with it from time to time. It's a process that takes a lot of time and patience. 

    Good Luck,


  • This is very difficult for your son and your family. Please keep talking, assuring him that he is loved and maybe focus on more than the fact he is struggling with Vitiligo-look at what his interests are, help make plans and help him to participate in more social activities where he can meet other young people his age.

    The pressures of being away from home, away from people who have known him with the condition, may be affecting his confidence and self esteem and what a lot of us know, is that other people are not as concerned about Vitiligo as people with Vitiligo can be. Sometimes it becomes something of an unhealthy obsession. You may want to look at family therapy. Its hard with a visible condition but millions of people with Vitiligo have fulfilling lives but it sounds like your son is really struggling emotionally. Keep reaffirming that he is just as good as anyone else. Keep talking and I hope and pray he can get through this. Best wishes.x

  • I'm hoping that we can meet some families in the Tampa Bay area.  Especially teens or young adults.  I know he isn't the only one here.

  • My son was also diagnosed at 8, but he is only 10 now. This, however is my worst fear. Wish there was something I could do or say to help. Praying for your son and family!!
  • Hi,I'm sorry your child is having a difficult time. I will keep your family in my prayers
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