Photos before & After using Protopic

I am always reading how different remedies has helped them, but I never see photos.  Therefore I am posting photos of me before, after & now.

The 1st photos was in 2009.  You can see a large white circle of white around my mouth.  It may not look bright white because I applied makeup that morning, but as the day goes by, the make up fades.

In Early 2010, after using protopic, the white circle completely faded and I had my natural color.


The 2nd photos taken last month june 2012, you can see white around my lips.


The 3rd photo, was taken today, July 15, 2012.  I have been applying Neem oil on my

face& body for about 11 days, and WOW, I have seen an accelerated spread of white

as you can see on my face.  I read that it worked to boost your immune system and it

sure does but in the way I don't want it to.  I researched further today and it is not good

to use for Auto Immune deficiency. It works to increase it your immune system, but it is

strengthing the Vitilago.


So now, I am using Protopic plus Sun for about 15 minutes everyday.  I find a secluded place to

lay in Sun This day 11. 


Also, I was laid off from work about a year ago, and couldn't afford the Protopic Oinment.  I wrote to them and asked if they offered Protopic to people who did not have insurance.  They said YES.  So I sent them a form I took off of their website to send to my Doctor.  I get 3 tubes every 3 months for ! yr.



Hope this info helps.






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  • Hey ya'all I can tell you that aloe vera does work because I've been using it for a long time.  Now don't expect any miracles but I know that mine looks better after applying it.  For the longest time, I didn't realize the spots on my face were vitiligo but found that aloe vera helped.  I just recently found out that the spots are in fact vitiligo so I'm searching for stronger products.  

    • Awesome.  That is encouraging.  Now I know that the photos I saw on line were not Photo Shopped!

  • Hi grace, i'm using protopic plus sun for the last 3 weeks. i don't see much difference yet. what i have notice, is that when i take sun, of course i get a tan and this makes my white spots show more. so i'm confused. i do want to continue with it, but i don't like it, when the spots are so much noticible. any suggestions?

    • Hi Maritza. Please give the Protopic more time to work.  Give at least 3-6 months.  Of course, I have same problem with my normal skin tanning making the white spots more noticeable.  I don't do this, but you can use a sunblock on your normal skin to keep that from tanning.  Be patient.  When I first used Protopic, I didn't think it would work, but it did.  I hope you will have good results.  Relax and let it work for you.  Please keep me updated.  I also read last night that Aloe Vera works on Vitilago.  I am going to start using that too.  It will make my skin look younger and smoother and besides... what do I have to loose.  I saw pictures of a small child that used Aloe Vera for Vit.  It took a year....a long time... but that is all we have is time... right?  Take Care. Thanks for writing.

      • gm. thanks so much for your response. in regards to aloe vera, how is it used for viti? is it in conjuction with protopic or by itself. let me know. thanks and have a wonderful day!

        • Use the aloe vera in conjuction.  May if you use protopic in morning, then use aloe vera at night before bed....

    • protopic takes a while before u see an results, 2-3 mos usually... it works it the blood stream and has to build up... relax, dont count the days and before u know it u'll see something....

      • Thanks for the encouragement.

      • I will.  Thanks Marty.  You seem knowledgeable and I appreciate that!

  • Hi can you tell me wich neem oil you are using and how and when you applie to your face. Not too long ago I read about this but I'm not sure wich one to get. Thank you in advance for your help. Lourdes
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