Okay weird question about skin texture but here goes....

hi all, I used to (before vit) have semi-acne prone skin, including a lot of blackheads, occasional "pimples" etc....I noticed when it was raging rampant on my face, that the texture of my skin changed quite a bit, where it seemed to be not flaking off, but crumbling off on the white spots I guess would be the best description (if I touched or washed spots that I now have the skin would "crumble" off in little balls, not flake off like when I used benzoyl peroxide to handle/manage minor breakouts).  Since this all flared up into high gear about three plus weeks ago, I've noticed that things seem to have changed over that period.  E.g. not the same blackheads, breakouts, etc. that I used to have...so I stopped altogether using ANYTHING (still to this writing) using anything on my face but oatmeal soap and water, sunblock and my coverup makeup...that's it...I have NOT exfoliated, used loofah, used any other product than what I have listed here....yet I seem to be starting to breakout again, only these "blackheads" (the few that have appeared) look 'greenish" and NOT black like they did before....normal, something to be worried about, normal sign that that skin has lost permanent color?  Any insight or similar experiences?  This is sooooooo weird and surreal as it IS, is this like normal?  Can depigmented skin "breakout" like normal skin?  Any and all insight is GREATLY appreciated and tia....

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  • I don't have much de-pigmentation on my face, however I have recently started using Proactive- which contains Benzoyl Peroxide. It is effective, but I'm concerned about its affect on my Vitiligo as I feel that a small patch near my eye has grown since using proactive. I dont know if i should discontinue using it because of the harsh ingredients, or not worry considering theres no way to tell why vit progresses like it does :s Sorry I'm no help, just wanted to share that! All the best

  • never heard of this tina srry.

  • I have never heard of this as part of vitiligo. My face is and has been completely depigmented and I have never experienced any of what you listed. Good luck!

    • thank you Ayasha, I have a derm appt. tomorrow (thank the Lord) and will hopefully get some answers/insight then....


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