Numbers in your skin?

My hands are almost white from viti but the leftover pigment makes some interesting shapes like numbers, in my right hand is a number 3 in my left hand a number 8. 3+8=11 which I also have in my left hand. Take a look for yourself, do you also have any numbers or shapes?

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  • I have big heart shape on ma foot..  :)

  • Okay here's the tickets. I'll give half to you if your lucky numbers come up. lol2472620746?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • i get heart shapes sometimes !! no lie lol then when they spread out they go all irregular shaped and lame ! i also had some on my elbows that looked like flames now they dont look like anything also lol

  • Lets play the lottery with those numbers. I pick 3 more numbers. 22,25,31. You play down there and I'll play up here.


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