Newly diagnosed and optimistic

Hi all! Let me just say that this forum is really and truly a breath of fresh air compared to some of the sites i was researching on before. So, thanks for that :) OK... So a little about me: 24 years old, healthy diet, fairly active and generally a happy person. I've had a few small white spots under my arms for as long as I can remember. I've also had a hard time tanning a few spots on my eyelids as well for as long as I can remember (they're not even noticeable to anyone else.) I always chalked this up to birth marks/genetics/etc. my mom has always had issues with her eyelids and under her eyes - she claims it was from a bad sunburn in the early 90's. I assumed this was normal. She doesn't have any other spots. ANYWAY, in the past 6 months or so my armpit spots had started to spread a bit... Nothing too out of control, but I'd say I have 1 quarter size spot on each underarm and at least 5 very small spots the size of a pencil eraser - some of them aren't even fully depigmented. I went to the doctor as soon as I found a very small spot on my wrist. He diagnosed me yesterday. I've been pretty upset over the last 24 hours, but for some reason I'm starting to feel optimistic. I'm using protopic 2 times a day on all of the spots. Apparently the earlier you catch it, the better protopic works... Thoughts on this? To my question- has anyone ever seen/heard of anyone's vitiligo just not spreading and staying localized? I am very optimistic about homeopathic medicine and have already made appt's with a few doctors in the area to get consultations. I'm a firm believer on taking over your own body and not taking "no" for an answer. Im 100% on board to change my entire diet/outlook on health if it would help. Anyone have any insight on the progression pattern? Another thought... I've been reading a lot of forums on a lot of sites and for some reason it seems like everything I read is VERY extreme. Could it be that the people who's Vitiligo hasn't spread Just aren't hopping online to write about it or update with photos as it isn't really effecting their lives too much? I hope that this isn't coming across in the wrong way, I just want to stay positive and realistic and the more I read, the more discouraged I become. Anyway, thanks again for this amazing site! Oh, and I've been looking at the photos on and off and let me just say that y'all are a really pretty bunch! <3

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  • I was diagnosed four years ago. It started in the centre of my face and spread upwards in a plume over the course of the next year.Then it stopped, which I put down to a change of diet, and I have been slowly regaining my pigment since. I sought treatment from my homeopath who I've worked with for the last twenty years, but she wasn't able to help. I don't hate my vit, but I had a hard time coming to terms with losing control of my body. These days I'm fairly relaxed about the whole thing, if not 100% happy about it.  I've been blogging about vitiligo for the last year or so, and I hope I don't come across as extreme. I prefer to take a try it and see approach. If it works, then great if it doesn't move on.

    You can read it here if you are interested. 

    I can only agree wholeheartedly with your last comment. We really are a good looking bunch. 

    • Hi Helen!

      I just checked out your blog out of curiosity. Love it! You're a great writer and really thought your homeopathic posts were super informative.

      I literally have one spot the size of a pencil eraser that is noticeable. Although I'm Caucasian, I have olive/yellow Italian skin tone, so it would definitely be noticeable on me. I figured I could stop this spread before it gets out of control through diet/supplement and am also doing protopic as of 2 days ago twice a day. hopefully going to a homeopathic GP will help, as there aren't many specialists in my area. I'm going to bring in a list of diets/supplements I've been reading about so I can ask him about every last thing!

      Anyway, I keep getting totally off track with my replies, but thanks for your response and keep writing :) its comforting seeing people having success and it's extra comforting when people are positive. I really do believe in the power of positive thinking. The atmosphere likes it :) anyway, thanks again!
      • this might be stupid question, but was its homeopathic treament and how does it work.

        • Hi Maritza,

          homeopathy works by giving the body minute doses of the thing that is causing the illness in the hope that the body then reacts by healing itself. It sounds mad but for some complaints it works very well.

          I give a more detailed explanation on the blog.

  • I have had segmental vit since I was four it never spread after it started and stopped at the knee. Im 22. I only have a patch on my knee and I have been getting color back for a while now. No treatment just Sunlight seems to help mine. I wear sunscreen and what not BC u dont want to burn the vit...not fun. I really have forgotten about it..until I thought about another tattoo and was curious if anyone had that start vit to spread. Everyones case is different BC vit is so unpredictable. This site is awesome BC you can see what others have tried.
    • Ive been joking that if mine continues to spread I suppose I'll just have to step my fashion game up a notch and make the vitiligo cool, ha. I mean, honestly... I KNOW that I've seen people in my real life with this, but I just cant remember them/who distinctly. And that actually makes me feel a little better knowing that it just doesnt matter. Thanks for sharing :)
  • I know a couple of people who caught their vitiligo early and have been able to keep their spots at bay with light treatments, and topical creams such as elidel or protopic.

    • That is good news :) thank you!
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