Newly diagnosed, advice please

Hi, I was diagnosed with vitiligo 3 weeks ago, I went to the Dr after noticing several light patches of skin on my neck which were growing. The patches were not milky white, just lighter than my skin ( I am biracial, African and white british). The few day after the diagnosis I lost all pigment from the tips of my thumbs and fingers, the skin is completely white, but the spots on my neck are no lighter. I have since developed spots on my leg, toes, back and chest and the morning on my forehead, but none of these spots are milky white like my hands, just a little lighter than my skin. My question is, has anyone else experienced this? And if so how long will these light spots take to turn completely white or is there a chance they will just remain as they are?  My Dr gave me a steroid cream but i can't use it on my face and my face is what worries me the most. I am 34 and have no other health problems, this has come out of nowhere and is spreading so fast. Any help / advice is appreciated. Thanks

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  • I'm recently diagnosed as well Tammy, trying to figure out where to go from here.  I'm taking all the supplements you are hopefully we get prescribed to protopic soon.  In addition, I plan on asking my doctor to get me a prescription to use a UVB-NB light from home.  Hope we can get through this!  The initial shock has sort of worn off and I'm starting to settle in that this is something I'll have to deal with for the rest of my life and I'm only 27.  My face is also my main concern, taking a backseat to the rest of my body.  Please keep us updated on how everything is going, really great to be able to communicate here because I don't have any other friends to discuss this with.  

    • Hey Gary, I know how you feel, I feel like i'm over the shock now too, but everytime I find a new spot I still get a little upset. Good luck with your treatment, let me know how you get on. For now I think i'm just going to stick with the supplements and i've found a fake tanner which has been really good at covering the spots on my legs and neck. Praying it doesn't get much worse for either of us. Take care

      • I've been using protopic for two months now...  it's improved slightly but several patches are still visible on my face.  I've got an appointment with my doctor on Friday and plan on asking for a prescription to use a narrowband UVB light.  I'm trying to eat as healthy as possible which is often difficult for me because I'm always in a hurry and preparing healthy food takes time.  I'm taking folic acid, ginko bilboa, and a multi vitamin.  How is everything going with you?   


  • hi tammy. the patches will most of the time, turn white. there's just no definite time frame, as to how long it will take. i have few on my chest, for the last couple of months and now i'm noticing them whiter. in regards to the steroid cream, please read the instructions. if it used for a prolonged time, it might cause your skin to thin and get strecht marks.  just check with your dr, just in case.any questions, just write it. you'll find and receive many advise.

    • Thanks for the reply Maritza, awful to hear they will all definitely turn white but I kind of expected that. It's just all happening so quickly. Thanks for the advice, I have only used the steroid cream on my leg so far because of the side effect but it doesn't seem to have made any difference to stoping the area from growing so I may just stop using it. Has any treatment worked for you?
      • i was also prescribed protopic. so far haven't seen much changes. tammy did the doctor tell you to take sun, once you applied the cream?

        • wanne know that to i got a 2nd opinion from another doctor since i thought (hoped) it might've been tinea discolor (some funges) instead and HE told me to get as much sun as possable with sunblock  but the first 1 told me to never ever get the spots in the sun. 

  • guess we're going paralel  walked around with a little white spot 1/3 inch for about a month when in 1 week that spot went to tennisball size and it started on my legs and arms   found a new spot on my chest yesterday wich is also spreading explosivly.

    dermatologist gave me protopic of wich im seeing alot of positive feedback here though i used it on 1 particular spot for 2 weeks and that grew faster then any the others :S plus it makes the spot itch like mad.I also got ELOCON and im supposed to switch the two of them every 2 weeks but im sticking to elocon cause that doesnt irritate or in my opinion make it spread so fast.

    in addition im taking vitamin supplements large range with additional vitamin B

    • Hi Christiaan, I hope you get good results with your meds. I haven't pursued any yet because i've read such awful things about possible side effects and general effectiveness. I am thinking about asking for something when I see the dermatoligist. In the meantime i've started taking vitamin b12 and folic acid because I read good things about people who use the supplements. Let me know if the Elocon works for you. Take care

  • I meant on my knee!!! Lol
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