New relationship and beginning vitiligo

Hi friends,


Sorry if my English is not that great. (I'm from Belgium, but I'll do my best :-) )


2 years ago I heard for the first time that I had vitiligo.

I see, that it's beginning in my face, on my arms, and a little bit on my chest.


A few months ago, I've met a great girl, and that works great !

I allready said, that I have vitiligo, but she keeps saying, that she can't see it.


But I'm really scared, that my vitiligo is gonna get worse and worse, and that she is eventually going to leave me for it.


Does anybody has the same fear as I do ?


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  • iv been there , till this day i have the same idea popping in my mind !

    now i am single , i dont think it was due to vitilligo but kinda when you look for someone you have to make your heart pick a girl that is not superficial (i say 90% of women are) 

  • hi Jurgen,

    Since you seem to have early stages of vitiligo the chances of it being treated is very high. You should go see a dermatologist and ask about narrow band uvb and excimer laser.

  • People change. The young man with a six-pack that you fall in love with may very well end up bald with a keg! So what! That's life!!
  • Its natural...we have a fear, but by discussing with partner/lover we can reduce our fear or overcome that.

  • all the time cause they have to realize that the appearance of you now that she loves may change sooo for me if i find a real girl thats the first thing i will ask , is if she is ok with the fact that i will look completely different in 10 years

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