New member, looking for support/information

Hello all! I am a new to this site and new to having Vit. I was just diagnosed with it Wednesday 1/23/2013. I am being worked up for other autoimmune diseases but this is something she could diagnose right away. I guess I am just scared and nervous about what is coming as far my skin and other things. If anyone has any insight as to maybe some creams or ways to slow down the condition I would greatly appreciate any information!

Hope to hear from yall soon!


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  • vegan diet, protopic cream and UVB have worked really well for me...most of my spots are or have re-pigmented and I ahev had no new spots since I changed my diet. I also take vit B12, milk thistle, omega 3 and Gingko bilbao. Eat loads of green vegetables, carrots and celery and avoid too much bread and coffee....I have not managed to cut out wine though. If you are at early stages you should be able to manage it and stop it spreading. My 16 year old daughter started with it 6 months ago on her face and chest. I used protopic, gingko bilbao and I have cut out red meat for her and increased her vegetable intake. It has disappeared and no new spots since....I am keeping my fingers crossed we can keep it at bay. You are lucky starting now as people understand it more and realise it can be treated and the earlier you do it the better. Dont be down can beat it but you need to be prepared to make some lifestyle research on web. Good Luck

    • Cut all bread , rice , milk and pasta from your diet . Only meat , veggies and fish . Thats the first step . Protopic ointment is very good for treating face , for the rest of the body it does not work .  Face is easyest to treat .

      Look up amino acids , amino acids complex is a very very good thing no matter what . Some certain amino acid is responsible for skin condition . So look it up . Worked for me beyond belief . I now can with no doubt call myself cured from Vitiligo . Its treatable . Period .

  • Hi Gillian, what you are experiencing is probably the scariest part. Afterwards you will try to investigate & understand your symptoms & then before you realise you will notice more Vit showing it's ugly face. You will investigate different forums which are great!! and then you will realise that everyone has a different opinion on how to treat your Vit. People will try to tell you to try this remedy that remed, yet in reality- know one knows. What may work for them may not work for someone else !! The only scientific trial that I am watching closely is the Scenesse trial by Clinuval who are combining their systemic drug along side UVB Narrow band Phototherapy which so far seems to be getting positive results. In the mean time I do believe you have to make sure you are getting enough Vitimin D to compensate for the lack of Vit D. I have had vit for Ten years now & have only just noticed it has appeared on my back. All I will say is we who are suffering with vit have had enough and are uniting to get it more recognised and I truely believe we will succeed only if we stick together because family and friends don't understand. Please don't worry Gillian I think the remedy is just around the corner.
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