New Member

Hello all. New to this group and to Vitiligo.Started a couple of years ago with areas of my hands that would not tan that I thought were just old scar areas that were not tanning. I now know I have Vitiligo and was wondering what the progression of this disease is and what people think the best treatments are. Thanks, Dale


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  • Hi Dale! So is this picture of your vitiligo after a couple years? A started getting vitiligo when I was 6. I noticed a tiny speck in my finger. It slowly progressed, it's been about 20 years now and you can see the progression in the pic I attached. I also have vitiligo on all my joints and face as well(knees, ankles, elbows, hips, little but on the shoulders). I haven't noticed any progression over the past couple years on my hands although other places have gotten worse and oddly enough my knees have improved. Are you using anything for your vitiligo? I know that when I do get a scar or injury I tend to develop spots of vitiligo around those areas quickly.


    • Yes this is after a couple of years. I may have had it longer but really noticed it the last couple of years and it has definitely spread rapidly the last year on my hands.I only have a few other minor spots, One on my elbow and one on my foot. I saw somewhere here that people were taking B complex vitamins and Tyrosine so I started that about a month ago figuring it would not hurt. I have not noticed any change yet but going to go 3 months and see what happens.

      • Good luck!! I hope the b complex and tyrosine works for you! I think I've tried about everything out there, since I got it as a child I think y mom felt worse than I did and I've been seeing dermatologists since. I found protopic really helped my face. I did find out some interesting information lately from a doctor who specializes in immune disorders that vitiligo can be a gluten allergy、. I decided that the white spots didnt bother me nearly as bad as giving up gluten would ;)
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