NEW HERE: Question about Segmental Vitiligo

I have had vitiligo ever since I can remember, I think it started when I was like four. I only have it on my right knee. At first it was just a white blob on my knee I remember trying creams and stuff for a while but stopped.

Im now 22 years old and my vit has slowly been repigmenting over the years, not sure what Im doing... I seem to get more and more color back during the summers when I go tanning. There was one time when I fell at the beach and had a huge cut on my vit...well when it healed color came back to that spot! (WEIRD) Its now patchy and not a blob and I really have forgotten about it because most people don't notice it and neither do I. I remember during middle school (sensitive times for someone trying to figure out who they crying all the time about it, and forgetting how blessed I am to not have something life threatening.

This disease is so crazy and different for so many people! Just curious if anyone else has vit like this?? Mine has never spread since it first started & stopped at the blob on my knee. Am I an oddball or are there others out there???

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  • Hi Jeff, I also have segmental vit on my face but haven't really experienced in re pigment yet.  When I do, I will keep you updated.  

  • When my daughter was diagnosed, the dermatologist left me with the words, "Lots of people with vitiligo only get one or two spots." Hopefully she was right, and that's what's happened with your case.
  • Mine does that in my knee. I have some places that look like freckles they are so dark.
  • I have a question: For anyone with Segmental Vitiligo on their face....

    The spots that were once white and now seems like since the color came back, those areas tan darker than the rest of my face.  Does that happen to anyone else?

  • Mine appeared on my cheeks and forehead.  It spread for a while, and has been slowly closing back in with color.  I don't have it anywhere else.

  • oddball i assume. Ive only had vitiligo for two years and its spread all of my two hands my feet and now my face and torso 

    • I always wonder if it will spread. I hate that vit is so unpredictable.


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