New Here (:

Just wanted to say hello to everyone out there (: I have recently been diagnosed with this and only have it in my hair and the doctor can't tell if its affecting my skin yet. I have been around this all my life with my great grandmother (rip) and grandmother both have it and my dad recently started to loose his pigment as well. I figured Ive always had it with my hair graying at 16 but only recently have I had other symptoms pointing towards a thryoid condition and Im freaking out over the thyroid more than the vit.

Just wanted a place where I could come to and have others relate to and help me through these struggles.


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  • Thank you all for your words of encouragement.
  • hi and're definitely in the right place. speaking for myself, since i joined this site about 3 months ago or less, i have notice myself being more accepting of my condition and dealing with the emotions it involves. reading other's people stories, their strugglles, opinions, suggestions on medications etc, has made me feel much better. i hope you find here many friends and more important lots of support.

  • Welcome! I also have vitiligo on my scalp and have a crazy cool (so I'm told) grey streak in my hair. I also have it on my hands and arms and small specks in various areas. My vitiligo started at 34 years old it was and still is difficult sometimes to deal with. You are @ the right place for support hang in there :)

    • hey

      i also had vitiligo on the whole of my scalf but not on the hair ,im treating ma vitiligo in the other places but i seriously dont know what to do with that . Im afraig it might spread to the hair

  • Hi, I just wanted to say hello and welcome Jenna. It is good to hear from you. Take good care,


  • Welcome!!! I have the thyroid condition as well. I started graying early too but I've had vitiligo since I was ten. I'm the only person in my family with it. You will find lots of great people with similar stories on here. Welcome again!
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