Negative ANA? Multiple Autoimmune symptoms

I started to develop Vitiligo at age 27 while expecting my third child. My father also has vitiligo but his did not start to rapidly appear until his 50's. Both of my parents also have thyroid problems, Dad hypo mom had Graves. Recently my vitiligo has began to rapidly spread. I am also having other "auto Immune" like symptoms: weight gain 50+ lbs in a year, fatigue, joint and muscle pain, headaches. My physican ordered a complete blood work and the nurse called to tell me that the ANA was positive and she was going to call the hospital where I completed the lab to have them specify the diagnosis. When she called back she said that then ANA was actually negative. I'm so confused!! Shouldn't the ANA at least be positive for the vitiligo which I visibly have?

I'm so frustrated...any advise would be appreciated! Thanks and God Bless.

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  • Excuse my ignorance, what is ANA?
  • Has anyone ever had pigment come back to their vitiligo? Vitiligo covers about 30 percent of my body and I noticed a spot the size of my kneecap regained full pigmentation? But that's it, my vitiligo still spreads over the months
    • I haven't had any re pigmentation. That would be nice:) My derm told me I'm lucky that my skin is so fair to begin with the contrast is not that bad...however the summer time makes it so noticeable. I'm asked often if I was in a fire.....people think it's a result of a burn.

      • I get asked that alot to, because in the summer time it's very noticeable on my hands. I've just been trying to figure out how pigmentation could come back in one place but not anywhere else. It's weird. But I've never been tested for any autoimmune diseases or thyroid problems. Hate the doctors lol
  • Vitiligo spreads like crazy after u give doctor said this when I told him the same thing . After my son was born my vit spreaded so much just within few weeks.
  • My son has vitiligo, and his ANA was also negative. Hoping you find out what is going on!
    •'s all so confusing.

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