Naturopath advice for vitamins/tests

After seeing discussions on here about vitamins I decided to look into it further. I was passing a health store and decided to go in a speak with the staff who was a Naturopath. They advised that I should request certain blood tests from my doctor before taking vitamins - to determine which ones I am deficient in (we may all be different), these tests need to be more specific than just a general test. This is what she wrote down for me:

Vitamin D levels

RCF - Red Cell Folate and B12 levels (kept saying these are involved in 'methylation' but I dont really understand that yet and will reseach it)

Homocysteine (an amino acid?) - search the link between this and vitiligo, it comes up with some info

ANA (Antinuclear Antibodies) - this is an actual auto immune blood test to detect the levels and determine how your body is reacting to your 'self' 

I'm yet to request these tests, but will let you know if I discover anything once I do :) The Naturopath had encouraged fish oil capsules highly and stated that you need to be dedicated to taking all vitamins properly for long periods of time to see results. Also to reduce carbohydrates and loose weight thats potentially causing extra stress on your body (makes sense - have seen spreading of vit following weight gain)

I also questioned Tyrosine - she discouraged this as it may just improve the normal skin and increase melanin making it darker - therfore making vit more noticable? 

Anyway, just felt like sharing this information to see if anyone has any input :) Thanks 

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  • So I went to see my doctor today, he refused to give me the ANA test as he didn't feel it would actually prove anything. From previous blood tests I had good levels of folic acid and b12 so he has also told me not to both with the vitamins as it will not show improvements. I think I may just try it anyway, some doctors have absolutely no idea about vitiligo...... Infact the doctor had to pull out an old dusty book to read about what it was LOL.

    @manuela -did your naturopath do the blood testing, or did you have to go see a doctor? Are you taking other supplements even though your levels were mostly fine? Good luck, let me know if you notice it slowing down :)
    • Hi Jessica, I was lucky, my doctor approved all my blood tests so I didn't actually have to pay for them. The live blood analysis was done at the naturopath and was part of the initial fee. I take vitamin D in liquid form. My vitamin D levels were in the normal range for a person without an autoimmune disorder. Apparently we need higher levels. I take glutamine for leaky gut, 1 zinc tablet a day and the following mixture of herbs 7.5 ml twice a day:
      St Mary's 25 - to assist my liver function
      Hemidesmus 35 -.lowers immune response,specific for autoimmune and chronic skin conditions.
      Bupleurum 10 -reduces inflammation,autoimmune
      Withania 10-adrenal tonic, may lower cortisol
      Passionflower 20 - reduce anxiety, balance mood

      The above was specifically tailored for my problems based on how I feel and my test results.

      I will let you know how I go. i really hope to manage viti naturally as i don't think i have the motivation or the time to try narrow band uvb for more than a year. Fingers crossed!
      • Thanks Manuela, I also want to try and manage vit naturally as much as possible. I also really cannot make the time for uvb, i have tried some creams with no success :(

        Its good to hear what the Naturopaths help with, maybe its better for me to invest my time and money into trying that instead :) 

    • Hi Jessica are lucky to find good Naturopath, every thing she told you is correct don`t need supplment as long as test is ok, as your dr says if your privios test is fine dont stress too much about it.`..if vitamin D and B12 is ok ..the doctors know if you need the other tests..coz they have your privios test data they know what type of ppl need more test.

      The main reson we develop vitioligo is because we are genetically predisposed to it, but there are some Environmental triggers ....they are different for each of us.

      Vitiligo is mystrios ,,,most of us are vary healthy ppl is just our anti body attacking the pigment cells. no one knows yet the underlying couse .

      Emotional stress is a trigger for most of us.


      Live halthy ..reduce stress , be happy and every ting willbe fine vitiligo will stablize then you can do any treatment the reselt will be helpful.


      • Hi BG, you are right, emotional stress is a huge trigger - I have such anxiety about trying to control vit that it is probably contributing to making it worse! We shouldnt stress about things we cannot control, I'm still trying to teach myself this . . . .

  • Thank you for this information Jessica

  • Hi Jessica,

    I am new to the forum but have read through all the posts which are really interesting. i have have had vitiligo for about 7 years and didn't even realise as I had just a few spots. Last November I ended up getting too much sun and it triggered a spreading frenzy. Because of this I decided to go to a Naturopath to go on a healthy diet and to see if i was deficient in anything. She recommended a few tests and all my vitamin levels were fine. She also recommended a cortisol test and my levels are much, much higher than they should be which is interesting (too much stress and coffee). In addition they had a live blood analysing machine. My blood is starting to stick together which means internally I am too acidic and also i have slight leaky gut. My naturopath recommends a gluten free diet for anyone who has an autoimmune disease and because of the acidity I need to eat 80% alkaline food and only 20% acidic food. Sigh...I have given up coffee, dairy and alcohol (bloody boring but worth a try)She also recommends at least 3 high strength fish oil in the morning and 3 at night, plus she has given me something to improve the integrity of the intestines.

    From everything I have read on here I also believe we have the vitiligo gene, we have a trigger ( which differs for all of us) and therefore our diet and vitamins needs to be individually tailored. I have been on my lifestyle change for a couple of weeks. I will let everyone know if the vitiligo slows down :-)
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